Training and Lock. Chapter 3.

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"I cant believed all three class's are training together" hinata said excited. "well today is battle training and everyone gonna be working in there units, if they only did one class then only three units, so they needed the other two class's to join" kageyma said with a yawn. "but its a little worrying we all have to compete with each other to see who unit will get top spot" yachi said nervous. "well this is our last unit test, we all be leaving school next month and joining a new wall where they need more soldiers, the top class get to pick to stay with this wall or be sent to another" tsukishima said pushing his glasses up. "well I wish you guys the best, I be cheering you on from the side" Yamaguchi said with a sweet smile.

"oh right medics dont pick a unit until they become soldiers and meet other new units after a week from leaving school, so you cant really be apart of this test" yachi said with a smile. "yeah, since medics school are only for medics we dont meet many soldiers apart from the ones we do live training with, so I be sitting out and watching" Yamaguchi smiled. "well your in for a treat, you get to see how badass we are" kageyma said proudly. "make sure to keep your eyes on us, we take the top spot in no time" hinata said with a grin. "I'm sure you will, I be looking forward to seeing your guys name at the top" yamaguchi smiled. "we see you soon, get ready to greet us as the top unit" tsukishima said with a smirk. "your already my number one tsukki, I know your got this" Yamaguchi smiled and ran of to the side line since the training would be starting soon. "there no way in hell I'm losing now" tsukishima smirked and the rest giggled. 


"yamaguchi" a voice yelled making the freckled boy turn. "sorry do I know you" yamaguchi said with worry. "I'm from the year younger, a soldier just got injured and the school nurse is out, we heard about a medic in training a year above" the voice said with worry. "take me there" yamaguchi yelled and ran of with the person. 


"yama" tsukishima yelled as they walked of the training grounds after it finished. "he should have been right here" kageyma said as they looked around. "his jacket still with our bags, where could he have gone" hinata said with worry. "maybe he got called over or went to get us some drinks" yachi said with a small smile. "I got a bad feeling about this" tsukishima hissed and ran of with the rest not far behind him. 

"yamaguchi" yachi yelled as they ran down the halls. "have anyone seen the medic in training" kageyma yelled. "where could he be, we already looked all over" hinata said with worry. "yeah only the second years floor are left to check but they should be training" yachi said with worry and tsukishima walked down towards the second years floor. 

(So the first years are on the top floor to get them fitter by going up and down the stairs all day. The second years are on the first floor since they be training outside more often to get use to the different weathers. The third years are on the second floor so they can train with the stairs and run around school more before running to the different training fields. There bodies be more use to working out. )

"yamaguchi" tsukishima yelled as he reached the first floor while everyone was still running down. "tsukki" yamaguchi yelled. "yama" tsukishima yelled again and ran towards the room he heard yamaguchi from. "in here, help tsukki" yamaguchi cried out and tsukishima opened the classroom door to see the second years class 1 all sitting in their desks, pretending they cant hear anything. 

"where the fuck is he" tsukishima hissed. "tsukki" yamaguchi cried out and tsukishima turned to a small metal broom locker. "what the hell is wrong with you" hinata yelled with anger. "yama" tsukishima said with worry as he unlocked the broom door and yamaguchi fell out hugging tsukki. "tsukki" yamaguchi cried and tsukishima just carried him out the room. 

"why the hell did you do that" kageyma yelled. "he doesn't belong here" one student said looking annoyed. "what are you talking about, yamaguchi is a soldier just like us, he a medic that makes him even better then us" yachi yelled. "he weak, ugly and doesn't belong in our school" one girl said pissing them of. 

"I'm going to ask once, who fucking idea was to lock yamaguchi up" tsukishima said filled with anger as he walked back into the class scaring everyone with his killer vibe. "our teacher, he said if we locked yamaguchi up we get extra scores since yamaguchi mix blood" one student yelled with fear. "tell your teacher to come find tsukishima the top student and tell him I wont be holding back, he pissed me of" tsukishima warned and left the class to go back to yamaguchi. 

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