Death. Chapter 12.

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My family is a famous soldier household. My mother always fighting on the front lines until she got her first child amber. Then she became a high rank soldier who sat behind a desk sending others to their deaths. My farther was also a famous soldier and after their third our of four children he used his high rank to work from inside the wall giving out orders and all. My parents was only know for their good looks and good bodies. 

Their first child named amber was a fast fighter and would always get tops place at school. She was very pretty and looked just like our mother, she always had boys asking her out. She join up in wall one since its the best wall out of all the walls. The best of the best lives in wall one and future famous soldiers would mostly be born their. Amber had her own unit and fought nests of monsters, her unit job to hunt down nests and kill them for other soldier to pass safely. But she died at age twenty two from being over ran. My parents felt sad but ashamed that their child died so easily since they worried more about our family pride then our lifes. I knew amber had a daughter when she was twenty one but it seemed my parents took it to a home and never looked back.

Their second child was a son named beno who was born two years after amber, he was a strong fighter and also always got top place at school. He was very handsome and looked just like our dad making the girls fall for him. Just like our sister beno joined up and fought back the monsters. He was more of a front line soldier and would also be sent to fight monster head on. He made a name for himself and everyone looked up to him just liked everyone looks up to our family. He now twenty two and still fighting. I heard he got married a couple hears ago and already had a year old son. He acts like amber was a disgrace to the family like our parents told us, its sad how easy he agree with them. 

Their third child was another daughter named nilo, she was smart and would get first place in school as well. She was born two years younger then beno and four years younger then amber. Nilo had our farther eyes and our mother face, she was cute and would make everyone around her fall in love with her, she always had men asking to date her. She was smart and became a brain soldier, she can fight but not as well as the rest. She mostly planes mission or use info gathered to make a map for soldiers. She even guess where monsters might make nest or where it be best to make an outside camp. She made herself famous like the rest and our parents were still proud of her even if she didnt fight since she still made a name for herself. She acted like amber was never born as soon as she heard amber was killed not even coming to the funeral saying she no one important to her. Nilo is twenty now and I hear she be getting married to a famous soldier soon. 

To be honest I was the only in the family who went to amber funeral and still see her as my sister. 

I was the fourth child born a son called yamaguichi. I was born with horrible dark green hair and freckles all over my body, I was ugly in everyone eyes. A freak of the family that they wished never existed. My family treated me horribly and would often hit me or worse. They forced me into training but I was weak and struggled. I was born a year after nilo, three years after beno and five years after amber making me the youngest in the family. Since It seemed I fail at becoming a soldier making my parents embarrassed and damaging the family pride, they sent me outside the first wall into a small base near walls two. 

I lived in this camp outside of the walls and soldiers felt bad. Some taught me how to use a knife or gun so I could protect myself if the camp got overran my monsters. I would help out the doctors who treated the injured or dying and learn basic skills. That small camp became my home for most of my life until it was left to die. Surplices stopped coming, all the heathy doctors and soldiers was ordered back inside the walls leaving the injured or weak doctors or soldier alone. I helped as much as I could but soon the monsters broke in killing everyone, I was shut in a small cupboard by an injured soldier I helped saved. Time morning came and the screams ended I climbed out to see everyone ripped apart and blood everywhere. 

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