New friend?

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We entered through the door together into the classroom all eyes looked to us which caused me to blush but Ty just walked straight in I looked around some of the girls were giving me dirty looks but it didn't really bother me my heart was still racing as I sat down next to Ajlina while miss Connway looked at us and continued talking.

"Oooo so what happened?" Ajlina asked me in a whisper.

"Nothing I'll tell you at break" I whispered back she just smirked she knew something happened.

First class flew by as we all went out to break I had gotten a few questions from girls 'Are you and Ty dating?' My answer was plain black & white 'No' and I was thankful that Ajlina backed me up when that happened.

So we sat in our usual spots at break chatting away about what happened and I told her every detail before...

"Hey girls!" A skinny light skinned girl with black shoulder length hair came up to us with her small group.

"Hi" I said not expecting them to sit with us but that's what they did.

"I'm Kara" she smiled as she introduced herself.

"I'm Felicity just call me flik" I smiled back introducing myself as normal.

"So are you and Ty dating?" She asked geeez I should have seen that question coming.

"No, no we aren't" I said shaking my head.

"Do you like him in a romantic way?" Now that question I haven't been asked before.

"No not at all" I say I just didn't feel right telling her for some reason.

"Who do you like then?"

"No one I don't know many boys" I smiled shaking my head again.

"Well I hope we can become friends flik" she said standing up smiling as she waved goodbye so I returned it.

"Who was she?" I asked looking to Ajlina who did not say one word to her.

"She's a popular I guess you could say she loves the boys" she wrinkled up her nose as she said it.

"Oh." Was all I could say before the bell went to return to class.

While class was going I got a few glances from Ty which I tired to avoid and I kept getting 'Hey's' from Kara and her friends to she didn't seem that bad maybe we could be friends I just hoped Maddy and Ajlina wouldn't mind if I did.

Eventually lunch break came and Kara came and sat with us again and me and her had fun talking Ajlina joined in a bit to and I was starting to become friends with Kara she didn't seem that bad really we really hit it off we even spoke at home time while I waited for mum.

We said goodbye as I got in the car I really hoped that we could become good friends but all the way home I was thinking about what happened this morning the hug just kept replaying in my head over and over again until I fell asleep that night.

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