The night meeting.

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I had my shower tided my hair up in a high ponytail got changed into a pair of black trackies and a leopard tank top since I would be shifting anyways but the thing is he didn't tell me a time to meet him.. All well.

I finished getting changed it was already 9:20pm I decided that I would leave the house at 9:30 so the time I had I was listening to music and chatting to some old friends on snapchat waiting for time to pass until finally 9:30!

I silently closed my bedroom door once I was out looking to see if mum was around she didn't seem to be since she does go to bed around 8 normally so I silently crept across the floor boards to the back door and went down the veranda steps to the oak trees.

I went behind the biggest one undressed and left them there as I sprinted off towards the far end of the land far away from the house letting Adira take control for now until he arrived.

Adira did her own thing practicing her hunting on sticks and grass since there was no rabbits around and ran around a bit stretching herself.

'Adira let me have control back' I said since I knew Ty would be here soon.

'Just wait' she said rolling around in the grass.

After waiting for a few more minutes I asked again.

'Can I have control now?'

'Fine' she said giving me full control back.

I sniffed around for a moment then heard a rustling and sniffed harder trying to pick up a scent maybe it was a rabbit.

'Mint....' I say picking up the scent.

'It has to be Ty' I say talking to Adira.

Even though I knew it had to be Ty my fur was sticking up and my heavy tail was fluffed out making me look bigger than I really was.

Looking around I tried to spot where he could be but before I found him something jumped on my back from behind pinning me down by my chest which caused me to hiss.

'Let me take control!' Adira hissed in my head.

'No!' I snapped back.

I opened my eyes which I had closed for the fall opened up to be face to face with a all light brown wolf with light brown eyes with green flecks I was about to give another growl before I was licked all over my face.

*Hey* Ty said barking quietly.

*You scared me* I growled playfully swatting him with my paw.

After greeting each other with a nuzzle we laid side by side my head on his paws and his head on mine while I purred feeling the sparks I normally would when we touched.

*How long were you waiting?*

*Not sure I lost track of time since I let Adira take full control for a while* I purred rubbing my head against his lovingly.

*I wouldn't trust Zeyev to take full control I have no idea what he would do* he said chuckling licking my head gently.

*Thanks for coming* I said resting my head back down and closing my eyes.

*We wanted to meet Adira* he said digging his nose into my neck fur.

*Zeyev has been crazy ever since he met you* he said talking in my neck fur.

*What kind of crazy?*

*Love crazy* Ty said making us both laugh.

We stayed like that the whole time until....

*I better get going* he said giving me another lick before standing up making me give a small whine.

He looked down at me and smiled.

*I'll meet you at the gate you come in at school* He nodded as I quickly raised to my paws and nuzzled him a goodbye which he returned.

After our goodbyes we went out separate ways now it was time for me to go to bed and sleep for the time I've got left till 7:00am I wonder what will happen tomorrow....

(Pronounced Ze-yev)

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