eleven - mission: figure out leblanc

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"OKAY so lets get started shall we!" Ms. Turner calls out. I quickly turn away from Asher and get my google classroom and email set up. 

"Um I'm having trouble with my computer," some random kid calls out. 

"I'll be right over," Ms. Turner replies. "Ok guys just hold tight for a few minutes while I go fix that issue" 

"...so Annie Leblanc huh? Who knew we would have first period together," Asher says to me. 

"I know its crazy," I say. He makes a face at me. 

"I don't understand you. You were super snappy at me when we were texting but in real life you're this shy, clueless girl. I'm gonna figure you out Leblanc." He says sharply. 

"Well I'm pretty easy person when it comes to opening up, just not you because lets be honest you look like a douchebag." I respond. 

"See! This is exactly what I'm talking about! Confusing." He finishes. 

"Ok class so for the first thing I just want to see what you can do. Partner up with someone and use as many features from photoshop that you can. You have the rest of this period."

"So what do you say Leblanc? Partners?" Asher asks me. 

"Uh I'm good thanks. Don't feel like failing the first assignment." I snark. 

"What if I'm amazing at this?" He replies shakily. 

"Doesn't matter." I snap. I walk away and towards a girl I recognized from instagram.

"Hey Mackenzie!" I say enthusiastically. 

"Annie right? Nice to finally meet you!" 

"Would you want to work together on this project? I wanted to ask a familiar face."

"Yeah of course I would love to! Oh and you can call me Kenzie."

"Great thanks, I wanna try to one up Asher on this"

"I like the way you think" She laughs. We smile at each other and start searching the web for the a picture to use.  

a/n - sorry I haven't updated in so long! 

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