2- Minho

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As soon as I'm sure Thomas is asleep, I lightly pull myself up off my cot, and hurry outside of our little hut. The warm ocean breeze comforts me as I make my way to the shore. I lean back against a palm tree, slide down until I'm sitting with my back against it, and take a deep breath. Lately, I haven't been sleeping well, so I come out here, where there's nothing, and no Thomas, that can make me feel uncomfortable.

It hurts me so much to know that he doesn't think I'm aware of what happened to Newt...to keep that secret from him, when he thinks he's keeping it form me. But even if I had my doubts before, they way he has been acting recently confirms it. And I know Newt would have died soon anyway, I mean...he was a messed up crank by the end. I just can't believe that shuck-face, Thomas, wouldn't tell me. I'm his best friend after all... But I know deep down that I do understand...I really do. Because if that had been me...if I had been in his place....

I know I would have pulled the trigger too. For Newt.

I sure miss Newt, that Shank. The way his smile would just brighten up your day, and the couple times when him and I went through the maze together...before...you know...his incident. So many memories with him- good.....and bad. I can still remember the day, like I'm relieving it, when I see him out by the wall- his ankle at an angle I know it shouldn't be. Seeing Newt sobbing and whispering, "Let it be over...just let it be over." I tried to talk to him about it all afterwards...but he wasn't much of talker. And, admittedly...neither am I. So, we kind of let the situation ease into the background, although we both knew we couldn't forget about it. We ended up having to find a replacement runner- Newt's ankle was just in too bad of a condition. I promised myself I would watch out for him more...make sure he would never do anything like that again. I was not going to let him die-

Until he did. And I was powerless against it, and stupid to think I could control the inevitable outcome.

Surprisingly, I have nothing against Thomas for what he did. As I said, I probably would have done the same thing in his place. But those thoughts don't keep the pain and remorse from washing over me. Washing over me like these waves beating against the sandy shore. I'm powerless against them, these emotions and pain, and they threaten to drag me out to sea. But I won't let them. I've been staying strong, and I have to stay that way, for myself...and Thomas.

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