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In hindsight, I shouldn't have left. I'm in full panic mode. I left the jet; I left Rossi all alone and now I'm wandering through dense forest with nothing but my messenger bag.

I'm so stupid. I don't have any way of leaving a trail behind me, so I could easily get lost. I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for. I guess I'm looking for any sign of the rest of my team.

I've been walking in circles for what feels like an hour. I swear I'm starting to lose it. The pain in my leg is almost completely gone, but my heart is racing.

I see the bright wing of the plane blinding my vision, and I feel like punching something. I'm so tired of walking in circles.

I decide to take a new direction. I loop around the back of the plane and start walking.

It's only a fifteen minute walk before I find what I've been looking for. It's JJ and Emily. "Oh thank god," JJ says.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask. JJ and Emily are huddled together. The missing plane seats are scattered around, which explains a lot.

"I think I have a concussion," Emily says. "Spencer, are you injured? You're bleeding."

"It's not my blood." I'd gotten a lot of blood on my hands when I was trying to help Rossi.

"Is everyone else okay?" JJ asks.

"I don't know," I say. "I thought you knew where they were. I only know where Rossi is. He's cut pretty bad."

"Is he gonna be okay?"

"Yeah. I- I hope so. I found a first aid kit. I don't know if I stopped the bleeding but at least he won't get an infection."

"Thank god," Emily sighs. "We need to find everyone else."

"Tara? Matt?" I yell. "Luke?"

"Yeah, like that's gonna work," JJ rolls her eyes.

"Reid?" I hear Tara shout from far off.

I give JJ an "I told you so" look.

"Can you guys walk?" I ask. JJ and Emily nod. "Emily, would you mind staying with Rossi? He's back by the jet."

I point in the general direction of the jet. "It's about a fifteen minute walk."

"Of course," she smiles. She starts walking, and I gesture to JJ to lead the way towards Tara.

When we find Tara, she's standing with Luke's arm around her shoulder. She's barely holding him up, and he looks like he's having a tough time staying conscious. Matt is sitting down near them, holding his head in his hands.

"We were looking for you," Tara sighs.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask, then realize how dumb that sounds.

"Matt and Luke have pretty bad concussions," Tara says. "I'm alright, though."

"I think there was some ibuprofen in the first aid kit, but other than that there isn't much I can do," I say.

We start walking back to the jet, which is a little more difficult than it sounds. The trees all look the same, and it's starting to get dark. If it weren't for my freakish memory, we would be lost by now. A few carefully placed rocks are the only reason we could find the jet, which is thankfully only a few dozen feet away from us now.

I shout out for Emily and Rossi as I pick up my walking pace. Tara and the others are behind me, relying on me and my memory.

When we get closer to the jet, I see Emily is sitting with puffy eyes. David Rossi is laying on the ground with his eyes closed.

"He's dead," Emily says, being careful not to show any emotion. "He bled over the bandages. I couldn't stop it."

The adrenaline I was running on earlier is dwindling. I don't even have time to process the death of one of my closest friends because the pain from earlier returns- but much, much stronger.

A/N: I forgot how incredibly difficult writing from one perspective is. Also, writing this book is so different than writing reprise? It's so much harder!

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Wheels Down| Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now