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I stumble onto the ground and lean my head against the jet. I'm trying to think- why am I in pain?

"Spence?" JJ says.

I realize something- my leg. I pull up my near-shredded right pant leg and cringe as I locate the source of my agony- a large cut on the side of my leg. It practically goes from my knee to my ankle. It's starting to get infected.

"Fuck," I groan. Because my pants are black I didn't notice the blood. "JJ, I need you to take the rubbing alcohol out of my bag."

"Why? Can't you-"

"I can't physically force myself to do this- if it doesn't get cleaned I'm gonna die," I say. I can already feel the sweat on my face and I'm mentally preparing myself for how badly it's going to hurt.

JJ listens. She grabs the bottle that's half-empty out of my bag and unscrews the cap.

"Three..." she begins.

"No- don't count, just do it," I ramble.

She pours the rubbing alcohol straight onto my cut, and I try not to scream.

"How the hell were you walking around??" Tara asks.

"I guess it was the adrenaline. I was panicking trying to find all of you. I thought you could be dead," I say through partially-gritted teeth.

When I say the last word, I glance over at Rossi, who Emily is still sitting next to.

There's no time for me to mourn. If I take a break to think about all of the bad things that have just happened, more people can get hurt. I'm the only one here who has even a tinge of survival knowledge. We were in a plane crash. There's no time to think. "Does anybody know why the plane crashed?" I ask, trying to distract myself from the searing discomfort in my leg.

"The pilot had a heart attack," Matt deadpans.

"We should go check on him-" I begin, but Matt cuts me off.

"Don't bother. He's already dead."

"This is a disaster," I whimper. "It's getting dark. We need a fire."

"How long do you think it'll be until they find us?" Luke asks.

"Prepare for the worst," I say. "It could be days."

"Or weeks," Tara argues.

"We aren't equipped to handle this," JJ says. "This first aid kit is literally all we have."

I remember something important. "Wait.. didn't Rossi smoke cigars?"

A/N: spicy comments please?

Wheels Down| Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now