My Master's Love (T-elos & Kos-Mos)

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The penultimate chapter of the story is here, and the final threesome. This one features the last two female rare blades, one of which that I'm aware is long overdue. ;)


"Good morning, master." A voice greeted.

When I got up the next morning, I noticed that the left side of my bed was empty. My guess is that Herald must've left my room while I was still sleeping. Right now, standing in my room was not one, but two blades, and they were the last two I was waiting for.

"Looks like he's recovered from his attacks." Another voice said.

"Huh?!" I blinked. "T-elos, Kos-Mos? You're both here?!"

"Well of course we are, we came to this mansion as soon as we heard the news." T-elos answered. "All thanks to Rex of course."

"Speaking of Rex, we are being ordered to meet with him downstairs shortly." Kos-Mos said.

"'s also amazing to see you two again." I replied as I got out of bed.

"Oh my...that's quite a physique you got going down there." T-elos complimented. "Especially around the lower area."

"Huh?" I was confused until I realized that I was standing without anything on. "Ah! Crud...umm, please give me some privacy."

"At once, master." Kos-Mos replied before leaving my room.

"We'll do more than just look, later." T-elos added, blowing a kiss before leaving.

I had the feeling that Kora has been gossiping about my harem life again.

*Time skip, brought to you by a chibi version of Kos-Mos's awakening.*

I was in a large living room, sitting around a large table that was to be used for important discussions. Sheba was sitting with me and around the table were Rex, Nia, Tora, Morag and Zeke. Along with thier blades that were present too.

"So, to clarify the situation." Morag began. "The leader of the bandits is a driver named Blaze who has blades that once belonged to Torna members. Correct?"

"Yeah, and I got a brief taste of what he can do with them..." I sighed.

Sheba placed her hand on mine. "Y/N..."

"And from what we've discussed, they are certain to launch an attack on this mansion." Azurda said. "If so, we will have to prepare and make this mansion an impenetrable fortress."

Tora blinked. "Huh? Tora not really follow..."

"He means that while we're keeping Blaze and his drivers at bay, an army of imperial guards are being deployed to this area." Zeke explained. "If bandits are involved, those soldiers will be needed to arrest them."

"But if that fails, we can rely on Mythra to do the same thing she did before, right?" Nia asked.

"Only as a last resort." Mythra replied. "I won't use it recklessly, don't wanna end up attacking the wrong blade."

"I'm sure you will be extremely aware of where to strike." Dromach said.

"Poppi can help with analyzing, just to be safe." Poppi added.

"So what is the plan now?" I asked.

"We'll be taking a moment to relax." Brighid answered. "I for one, would love to try the cooking your blades can do here."

A Driver's Harem (Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Blades x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now