Banquet For Two (Sheba)

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Now for the harem manager and despite the way she swings, a lemon for her will go ahead.


The moment I opened my eyes, I saw Agate who was already wide awake and smiling.

"Good morning, Y/N." She said quietly.

"Morning to you as well." I replied before remembering something important. "Oh that's right, we need to get prepared."

"Why? Can we not stay like this for a moment longer?"

"We have two blades arriving at the mansion today. If I don't get up soon, Electra will most likely come in here and wake me up anyway."

She sighed. "You make a fair point. We'll snuggle like this another time."

I got out of bed and changed into a fresh set on clothes, whilst Agate grabbed a night gown she brought with her from her bedroom after our hot spring experience. We embraced with a gentle kiss and she left my room whilst I followed out, making my way to the dining room.

As the six of us settled down after our breakfast, we heard a door bell ring.

"Oh! Our friends are here!" Electra said happily. "I'll get it!"

"Don't shock them, okay?" I called as she rushed out of the room.

"So, how did it go last night?" Kora asked, winking at me. "Was it as hot as the hot spring?"

Agate blushed. "Umm...y-yes, it was...just like how you said it."

"I know, right? Our handsome harem guy here is totally amazing!"

I rubbed my head. "Please...I think you're giving me too much credit."

"Hmm, this is most odd." Sheba said.

"What is it, Sheba?" Kasandra asked.

"We find ourselves becoming envious of our leading gentleman."

"Oho, does that mean you're jealous of us girls getting our man's love?" Kora teased.

Sheba's face went red, glaring at her. "We think you are jumping to a pointless conclusion."

"Y/N! Y/N! It's Praxis and Theory!" Electra rushed in. "They're waiting for you."

"Alright, I'm coming." I replied, following her to the entrance hall.

Standing in front of me, were the ex-core crystal hunters and they were sisters too.

"Hey! Nice to see you again, Y/N." Praxis greeted as she hugged me.

"It's been a while." Theory added, showing a smile, which is extremely rare of her to do.

"Yeah, long time no see, girls." I replied, hugging Praxis in return.

"Welcome to your new home." Electra said. "You're gonna love it here."

Praxis pulled away from the hug. "I'm sure we will."

"We assume you have a bedroom available for us?" Theory asked.

"We have loads on the third floor." I answered before putting my arm around Electra. "Electra, would you be kind in showing them the bedrooms?"

"Yeah, I can do that." She replied happily. "Follow me, girls."

Praxis and Theory nodded before taking their cases and followed Electra up the stairs to take them to the bedrooms. I then noticed a letter that was dropped on the floor, it was addressed to me. Guess they forgot about this, I'll open it anyway and read it.

A Driver's Harem (Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Blades x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now