The Real World

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Luigi: What's your name, mister?

Brandon: My name, is Brandon. Welcome to my room, and the real world.

Mario: How are we gonna get back home?

Brandon: Probably not for a while. After the portal closed, it had reset.'re gonna be here for a while.

Tari: Well, might as well enjoy being here.

Brandon: However if you guys are gonna behave, I'm gonna set some rules. Rule 1, do NOT go outside, with the exception of the backyard. You can go in the backyard, but not out the front door.

Meggy: Got it!

Mario: What's the second rule?

Brandon: If I have company, stay in my room. I dont want anyone else to know you're here.

Mario: Okie dokie!

Brandon: I have nothing going on right now, so feel free to check out my house.

Everyone leaves Brandon's room and checks out his house

Bowser and Mario find the kitchen.

Mario: Spaghetti!

Brandon: Sorry. I don't have any of that.

Mario: Mamaf*cker!

Bowser: *gets out some pots and pans and some mac and cheese* I'M MAKING F*CKING MAC AND CHEESE, AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME!

Brandon: Jesus.

Tari: Do you have any video games?

Brandon: Yup. In the Game Room. There's an Xbox One and a Nintendo Switch in there.


Tari runs into the Game Room.

Fishy Boopkins: Brandon?

Brandon: Yeah?

Fishy Boopkins: Do you have a DVD player?

Brandon: Yes I do! I'll go dig it out for you. What are you gonna watch on it?

Fishy Boopkins: *holds up anime movies* ANIME!

Bob: HeLl YeAh! AnImE!

Brandon: ...Alrighty...then...I'll...go get it from the basement for you guys.

Brandon goes to the basement, then comes out a minute later with the DVD player.

Brandon: Here you go. Just don't turn it up too loud...please.

Fishy Boopkins: Okay!

Fishy Boopkins and Bob go to the guest room to watch their anime movies.

Brandon: Bleh. Anime. So gay.

Luigi is back in Brandon's room.

Luigi: Hey. What's this? Mini One-Shot?

Brandon: NO!

Luigi: Eh?

Brandon throws Luigi out of his room.

Brandon: No touchy! Nooo touchy!

Luigi: But...

Brandon: You're not alowed to look at it!

Brandon slams the door.

Luigi: Aww.

Brandon: I have other things. Check them out.

Saiko: Luigi! Let's go to the backyard!

Luigi: Alright, I'm coming!

Luigi leaves to go to the backyard with Saiko.

Brandon: Phew! That could've been WAY worse!

Meggy meanwhile is a little spooked by everything going on.

Meggy: Well...this place is new...

Tari: Watch out, Meggy!

Tari dashes past Meggy, as Meggy runs into the bathroom.

Meggy: Whew.

SMG4: Uhh...

Meggy: Huh?



Meggy runs out of the bathroom.

Meggy: Jesus!

Mario: *finds Meggy* Enjoying this, my love?

Meggy: *surprised inkling noise* Well...I guess.

Mario: *grabs Meggy's hand* We'll get used to it.

Meggy: Yeah. You're right.

Mario and Meggy kissed each other.

Mario: Wanna head to the backyard?

Meggy: Sure, sweetie!

Mario and Meggy go to the backyard.

Brandon: This is going to take some time getting used to.

Bowser: Yes! The chicken nuggets are done! Nomnomnomnomnomnom!

Brandon: *Sigh* At least they're behaving.

Everyone comes back into the house after a few hours.

Brandon: Glad you're all still here.

Meggy: Brandon, me and Mario heard some noises coming from your garage.

Brandon: Really? That never happens. Let's check it out.

Brandon and the gang go to the garage door. Brandon unlocks the door and opens it, and they find Turlandb and CoolGirlJen19 making out.

Turlandb: Uhh...meow?

CoolGirlJen19: *Nervous giggle*

Brandon: You guys, too?

Turlandb: Hey! Jen forced me through that portal!

CoolGirlJen19: Well, we weren't gonna leave them!

Brandon: Anyways, get into my house. I don't you guys to draw any attention out here.

Turlandb: Alright.

Brandon and the gang go back inside Brandon's house.

Brandon: Alright, everyone. Go back to what you normally do. I'm gonna work on the next chapter of Vacation to Planet Wisp.

Brandon goes back into his room, and everyone else does their own thing.

(Well, so far, so good. They're behaving so far. I hope nothing bad happens while they're here. Anyways, see you later!)

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