...The Visitor...

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Mario, SMG4, and friends have been in the real world for a few days now, and it looked like Brandon had everything under control.

Brandon: Well, looks like everything is under control here. This might not be so bad after all.

Brandon's phone rings.

Brandon: Hello?

Jennifer: Hey, honey!

Brandon: Oh, hey baby! What's up?

Jennifer: I'm coming to visit you for a little while. Mostly because I haven't seen you for a couple weeks.

Brandon: Oh...okay.

Jennifer: See you soon! *hangs up*

Brandon: Oh, sh*t! This is gonna be tough. GUYS! Everyone come to the living room!

Mario, SMG4, and everyone else comes into the living room.

Meggy: What's up, Brandon?

Brandon: My girlfriend is coming to visit me soon, so I need you all to go to my room.

Meggy: Okay!

Everyone goes to Brandon's room, except Mario, SMG4, Bob, and Bowser.

Brandon: Guys! Go!

Mario: B*tch, do I look like I care?

Bowser: Relax! We'll be good.

Brandon grabs spaghetti, a peach doll, a meme, and an anime movie.


Brandon throws the items into his room, and Mario, Bowser, Bob and SMG4 run after them. Brandon slams the door closed afterwards.

Brandon: There we go!

The doorbell rings.

Brandon: And not a moment too soon.

Brandon opens his door.

Jennifer: Hello!

Brandon: Hey, Jen!

Brandon and Jennifer kissed each other.

Brandon: Well, enjoy your stay for a little while!

Jennifer: I will!

Mario: *from Brandon's room* Where's my spaghetti?!

Brandon: *Thoughts: SHUT THE F*CK UP, MARIO!!*

Jennifer: Do...you have SMG4 on your computer?

Brandon: Yes, I do.

Jennifer: Anyway, wanna play some SSBU?

Brandon: Hell, yeah!

SMG4: *from Brandon's room* Nobody cares about your anime, Bob!

Bob: *from Brandon's room* HeY! sCrEw YoU!

SMG4 punches Bob, and Brandon's door opens, and everyone falls out of Brandon's room.

Jennifer: WHAT THE HELL?!

Brandon: Ah, sh*t.

Jennifer: How the hell is this possible?!

Brandon: Guess I have some explaining to do...

*30 minutes later*

Brandon: And...that's how it happened.

Jennifer: Wow.

Turlandb and Fishy Boopkins suddenly crash in through the window. Turlandb is trying to keep Boopkins from his anime movie.

Fishy Boopkins: Hey! Give me back my anime!

Turlandb: Don't you know that anime belongs in the trash?!

Fishy Boopkins: Oh, hell no!!

Fishy Boopkins charges at Turlandb.

Turlandb: *Homer Simpson scream*

Boopkins tackles Turlandb, and starts fighting him. CoolGrilJen19 arrives and slaps Turlandb.

Turlandb: Ow!

CoolGirlJen19: Can you stop that?! Let Boopkins watch his anime!

Turlandb: Anime is stupid as hell!

CoolGirlJen19 sighs and teleports herself and Turlandb somewhere.

Jennifer: They're here too?

Brandon: Yup. But unlike the others, I trust those two not to get in trouble.

Mario: Hey!

Jennifer: I see.

Brandon: Well, they are behaving so far...

Jennifer: I guess I can help you. I have nothing happening right now.

Brandon: Really? Great! I could use the help.

Jennifer: No problem, sweetie.

(Well, at least I have some help now. Jennifer can totally make Mario, Bowser, SMG4, and Bob behave! Anyways, see you later!)

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