Fallen Angels

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I think I finally get why people get married so young

it is for the infinite lonely yoked unattachably with adulthood

Two forces brutal enough to plow the toughest soil, bulldozing over past kingdoms into rubble I am left to cultivate

How fortunate the bride and groom to avoid such labor and always have known the comfort of dependable arms, a ready heart, and steadily open ears.

But to those of us left with canvas seats and metal pedals we scour towns for someone to merely laugh with

yes the lovers still quarrel and desire to reach beyond the realm of those who sleep in their beds

and solidarity possesses its own joy if one is committed enough to unlock it

But how much better to have the reliable comfort of someone when you need it than strive for the attention of the ANY when your chest gets too tight to breathe

Decades of generations have made their pros and cons list:

The irreversible tethering of souls that marriage beautifully possesses the freedom of exploration without inhibition for the vivid miraculous single

really all boils down to one fundamental truth:

we all want someone and to be wanted by someone

marriage takes the victors crown to such an achievement

while those of us with nobody

find ourselves fallen angels wandering the plains of the desert

In search for any type of drink

The First Easy Breath- 2019 PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now