11. Edgewalk

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Jung-kook tried not to glance down as mild winds blew the hair off his face. He now regretted opening his door to Min-woo's incessant rapping against it, only to be convinced to take this crazy trek along the edge of the 116-storey tall structure. He should have known it held the Guinness World Record for the "World's Highest Walk on a Building" for a reason, if he had time to search it up.

What possessed him to step on the ledge five feet wide was beyond his imagination. Even the yellow harness wrapped around his body suited up in red, did not assuage his fears. The only consolation to him that if he died trying was, he would look like Ronald McDonald upon his demise.

Jung-kook gave his agent the death glare as he counted down the minutes when this would be all over. He tried to hold back the contents he ate for breakfast this morning—a piece of burrito—which he barely succeeded. But instead, he let out the girliest scream that could rival Ariana Grande's high-pitched shrieks on "Victorious."

Min-woo peeked sideways towards his buddy. He wasn't sure whether Jung-kook looked constipated or just trying to remember how to breathe. Either way, he accomplished his mission: which was to make Jung-kook forget about the girl back home, at least, even for five minutes of his life. He did not know, however, that Jung-kook was already in the process of disowning him as his friend.

"Come on now, Jung-kook," Min-woo pleaded after they stepped onto safer ground.

"Excuse me," Jung-kook said to no one in particular, "Will somebody call me an ambulance?"

"Oh, don't be so dramatic," Min-woo replied, rolling his eyes.

"I think I have a concussion as I'm hearing things," Jung-kook deadpanned.

"How about dinner at the 360?" Min-woo offered.

"And what? So we can eat and rotate at the same time?" Jung-kook asked.

"Well..... kinda, yeah, but we would go in circles..... sloooooowly, you would barely feel it," Min-woo explained.

"No thanks, I think I had too much excitement in one day," Jung-kook said as they waited for the elevators.

"They have the highest cellar in the world....nine-thousand bottles to be exact," Min-woo declared at a last-ditch effort to entice the young man into forgiving him.

Jung-kook hesitated until Min-woo opened his mouth and uttered the two most precious words he wanted to hear right now in the whole god-damn universe: "My treat."

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