It is 2015 and Kim Taehyung had just experienced the pressures of being a K-pop idol. His group, BTS, broke through the Korean mainstream media and was enjoying commercial prosperity. But with that success came with a price. To escape the overwhelmi...
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Jung-kook almost gasped at what he saw: different people in various states of undress, walking around, talking, kissing, flirting. Some were huddled in corners making out.
M looked at her newly found student and asked him, "Don't be so shocked, but this area is mostly for foreplay. Folks here talk to each other to gauge each other's preferences without divulging too many details. Most try to gauge if there's enough sexual attraction to move on to the next stage."
"Umm... what's the next stage?" Jung-kook inquired with hesitance.
"Hold your horses, young man, I still have to tell you the ground rules," M chuckled. "The number one rule here besides anonymity is respect. That is everyone's safe word. Do you know what that means?"
"You mean respect?" Jung-kook asked.
M shook her head. "No, I meant a safe word. It's a word that you won't normally use in sexual play. More commonly used in BDSM scenarios and it's intended to disrupt sessions that go out-of-hand."
"BDSM?" Jung-kook repeated.
"Have you ever roleplayed before during sex?" M queried.
"Then most likely you have done some form of bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadomasochism.... that's a whole mouthful that one," M joked. "Even if you haven't, you could always try like this small group here."
They now walked towards a naked couple making out in front of an audience.
"See here, people watch others, they're called voyeurs and the ones 'performing' are exhibitionists," M explained. "Sometimes you can request to join the pair. Which brings me to another rule, if they say no, you may not ask again until later after their session. If they tell you no three times during three different sessions, it means they don't feel you are a good fit and you should just drop it."
"I understand," Jung-kook said. "But what about the safe word you mentioned earlier?"
"Ah yes, sometimes people like pain to be pleasured, for example, some enjoy being spanked or whipped and when they get hurt, they usually say 'stop' or 'no' but they don't mean it..... because it's just roleplaying," M explained. "So, when someone really means no, they use the safe word."
Jung-kook nodded at M's explanation but was staring at the naked couple earlier who was now stimulating each other with their mouths.
"Are.... are there private rooms... if.... if you don't want a room full of people looking?" Jung-kook inquired.
"Yes, there are other suites, each with a different purpose or sets of equipment free to use," M said. "The rooms on this first floor are mostly for group activities."
"Gg... grr... group activities?" Jung-kook questioned.
"Yes, what we call group here is for more than three people because threesomes are fairly common that we don't consider it as a group any longer," M clarified. "Let me show you."