33. Lost

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That night, Taehyung left the room silently, with his heart pounding and his own needs unmet

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That night, Taehyung left the room silently, with his heart pounding and his own needs unmet. Not that he hadn't been satisfied; it was actually more than he had ever dreamed of experiencing, but he wasn't about to give the stranger a chance to invade his consciousness.

The evening shall be a onetime experience, an amazing one at that.

What happened after Taehyung gave the unknown man probably the night of his life, he slowly receded and flagged down an attendant. He walked back to the washroom and relieved himself, giving his cock a few quick pumps.

It didn't take long for his release as he pictured the angel with a chiseled face emitting heavenly sounds.

Taehyung couldn't remember much after that, and the last thing he recalled before he closed his eyes was the features of the hooded man.

"So I supposed you enjoyed your session," a female voice said as she untied the ropes from Jung-kook's wrist.

"That was pretty amazing," Jung-kook enthused, panting heavily. "And thank you."

"Why? Thank me?" the maiden asked, removing the cloth from Jung-kook's eyes. "I did nothing."

"You... you didn't?" Jung-kook inquired, with a confused look etched on his face.

"I'm sure I didn't," the serf laughed and handed the bewildered man some towels.

"Then who?" Jung-kook questioned as he wiped down cum mingled with sweat from his body.

"It's the person who just left," the attendant said. "I think it was a Tiger."

Jung-kook exited the room in search of the mysterious animal who hunted him, but he didn't see any trace of it anywhere.

He quickly showered in one of the provided stalls, changed back to his clothes, and deserted the place, feeling more lost than he was when he went in. 

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