21. Gangbang

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The hostess led Jung-kook to a room with a green light outside the door and she opened it to reveal a nude woman lying on a bed with perhaps over a dozen naked men surrounding her

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The hostess led Jung-kook to a room with a green light outside the door and she opened it to reveal a nude woman lying on a bed with perhaps over a dozen naked men surrounding her.

Her legs were spread, and a penis inserted in her vagina while her two hands were each holding a cock on either side of her.

The other men were taking turns waiting or playing with other parts of her body. A man standing over her head was spraying cum on her face.

Jung-kook didn't know where to look as he hadn't seen so many genitalia in his life congregated in the same area.

M sensed his confusion and said, "Here is the classic gang bang. The light outside the door, when it's green, it means they're open to more members. A red light signals the room is occupied and no longer accepting additional visitors."

Jung-kook's eyes grew wider at that. "You mean, you mean she could take like fifty guys?"

"Or more. As long as no one switches the light to red, participants are still welcome," M replied. "As you may have noticed that the ratio between males and females is uneven. This is because more men arrive in singles than women who usually come with a partner."

"Ah.... that makes sense," Jung-kook conceded even though it didn't.

"Most attendees show up in pairs because they enjoy swinging and I'm not talking about those found in the playground," M said. "Swinging means switching partners if you are into that sort of thing."

"You mean, like cheating?" Jung-kook wondered.

"No, no, all the parties are aware and have consented to swap out their companions for another," M explained. "Cheating is only when they lie to do it without their partner's knowledge. Most of these couples have healthy and loving relationships."

"I don't know how that is possible, but I guess everyone has their preference," Jung-kook nodded.

"Anyway, there are so many types of sexual activities that it will take all week to tell you about them so why don't we continue the rest of the tour."

"That would be wonderful!" Jung-kook enthused.

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