It is 2015 and Kim Taehyung had just experienced the pressures of being a K-pop idol. His group, BTS, broke through the Korean mainstream media and was enjoying commercial prosperity. But with that success came with a price. To escape the overwhelmi...
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The hostess and the overly excited man ascended a flight of stairs that led them to a long hallway flanked by rooms on each side. They stopped by a door with a painting of two figures in an embrace.
"Images such as these would tell you that the suites on this floor are private," M told Jung-kook as she pointed to the picture.
"This means that this room is for couples and you and your partner can enjoy sex inside with very little interruption, perhaps except for attendants or serfs as we name them here, who check and ensure that everyone is safe and enjoying their time here."
"That's so thoughtful of you," Jung-kook said.
"Thank you, we make sure our guests have a fun experience. You can tell who is an attendant by their French maid costume, so you can call them when you require help with something," M pointed at a serf.
"Here, for instance, is the lovely P," M introduced a girl wearing a P on her French cap. "She's here only to oversee your special needs. For example, if you need a blindfold, she will get one for you. Or if you want to find another partner while you are in the middle of an activity, just tell her your preference and she can bring one to you. But she's not employed to provide sexual services."
"Ah, that's too bad. She looks rather lovely," Jung-kook said, admiring the attendant's almost-bare ass when she walked away.
M laughed. "We also have backups. If you don't find anybody who interests you, we may call some of our Duchess to start you off but eventually, we encourage you to pair up with the members here. Most people here aren't picky. They come here to enjoy, have sex regardless whether there's an attraction as long as they're comfortable."
Jung-kook's member has been twitching ever since he saw the woman earlier with various dicks in her orifices.