18. Yorkville

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A nondescript black vehicle stopped in front of a large mansion with barely any lighting, except for the two lanterns hanging on the columns flanking the gate

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A nondescript black vehicle stopped in front of a large mansion with barely any lighting, except for the two lanterns hanging on the columns flanking the gate. It didn't look like a commercial establishment but resembled a private residence fit for the wealthy.

Jung-kook bit his bottom lip at the unnerving sight, mostly because it was dark, and the house had many unlighted windows. Min-woo gave him this address in Yorkville, an affluent neighbourhood in Toronto with upscale businesses for shopping and dining. He said it would be an experience like no other, and Jung-kook wasn't certain if he should take his friend's word for it.

Jung-kook alighted out of the car and took a deep breath as he rang the doorbell. A few minutes later, the door slightly opened, revealing a small-framed female wearing a translucent dress and a half-mask.

"I'm not... I'm not too sure if.....," Jung-kook stuttered.

The woman smiled. "What's the password?"

"The password?" Jung-kook repeated.

"Yes, this is an invitation-only event. You must have heard of this from someone." The lady replied.

"My friend Min-woo....." Jung-kook explained.

"No names here. Your password would be your spirit animal."

"Ah, yes, then that would be a rabbit," Jung-kook answered.

The woman opened the door wider to let Jung-kook enter the empty foyer. "Wait here."

Jung-kook looked around and perused the halls made of dark mahogany. There were several oil and canvas paintings depicting various erotic postures, the most prominent being that of the Greek god Pan and his erect phallus. His eyes widened even more as he saw a large assortment of artifacts created from different materials, ceramic, wooden, cast iron, mostly displaying genitalia in all shapes and sizes.

What the fuck is this place? Jung-kook thought. His first instinct was to run, not because he was prudish, at least he didn't think so. But it's because the house exuded some form of haziness, like that of a drug and he's afraid that once he got a taste of it, he wouldn't be able to let go.

His thoughts were interrupted when the woman, who seemed to be the hostess, approached him. She was holding an intricate half-mask, almost similar to what she was wearing, on one hand, and something that looks like a bangle on the other.

"Here you go. I'm sorry it took me longer," the lady said. "But I had a hard time finding a rabbit bracelet."

Jung-kook looked at the host with a blank expression on his face.

The woman laughed softly. "Ah, forgive me, it seems that I should properly introduce you to what could be the best night of your life."

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