Chapter 7

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When I wake up I'm sleeping on Cameron's sofa, I start to get up to leave when he starts to walk downstairs.

"Do you want pancakes or toast?" He says with a playful smile.

"What happened after... We kissed last night?"

"Nothing, don't worry you fell
asleep." He says with a frown.

"What happened last night was wrong and it won't happen again." I say.

He starts walking towards me.

"But it felt so right."

He says so close to me. I start to cry and try to run out the front door.


I hear Cameron call, but I don't answer I run down to Shawn and I beach house. I see him lying on the bed.

"Nursing a hangover?" I ask him.

"Yes. Oh my gosh I will never drink again."

"Yeah like that's going to happen you left me alone last night." I say. I fight off hot tears.

"Wait," he says as he grabs my wrist "I'm sorry but I didn't leave you alone."

"You didn't leave me alone? Are you insane you left me with Cameron your friend who was hitting on me!" I yell.

We kissed! While you were drunk we kissed, and I feel really bad!"

"You kissed my best friend?" He asks in a calm voice.

I run from the house without answering him I must get away just go swimming. I go into the water with my dress still on.

"Maddy" I say to my self "I need Maddy"

I pull out my phone.

Bridget~ Hey, I miss you.

Maddy- well?! How is it?!

Bridget~ I want to come home.

Maddy- This might make you feel better I'm on a plane right now.

Bridget~ To where?

Maddy- To you!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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