Chapter 13: Good Intensions

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- Dr. Kane, please tell me you have good news about the Griffin case - Lexa said in a trembling voice. She did not want to sound desperate and unprofessional, but she could not hide her nerves and fear.

- Well, Dr.Woods, after looking over Clarke Griffin's file and previous examinations with my colleagues, we have discovered what is causing the patient's blindness. We discovered that due to the TBI (traumatic brain injury) that the patient suffered as a consequence of the car accident, Miss Griffin suffered minor damage at the junction of the optic nerve path. The damage is located in an area of the eye that is not very easy to detect with the old procedures that were used at the time of the accident, and that is why the real problem could not be detected and consequently be treated at the time. Luckily the eye and the blood vessels have not suffered any trauma or any apparent damage, that is why Miss Griffin's eyes seem normal to the naked eye, and why you could not see anything wrong in her eye or retina during your tests on the patient. Now, the problem with the optic nerve can be corrected by a neurosurgical intervention, without major complications, with my equipment, and you would proceed with the rest of the treatment. But I am almost convinced, that the patient will be able to regain her vision in a month, depending on the recovery from the simple operation.

- Excuse me, Dr. Kane, but are you telling me that Clarke Griffin could have regained her sight years ago with a simple neurological intervention ?! - Lexa said as she let out the breath that she had been holding in. She could not understand how anyone had noticed that simple injury and Clarke had been blind for so many years of her life when she could have regained her sight much earlier.

- Yes, that is correct. I do not believe that any extra intervention on your part is necessary, only the continuation of a postoperative treatment, which should be carried out carefully, but of that, I have no doubt in your capacity to do so, Dr. Woods.

- Dr. Kane, are you completely sure of this? I need to be a 100 percent sure. I cannot believe that Clake having visited so many experts over the years, none have detected where the injury was, I cannot understand it.

- Dr.Woods, you know very well that the technology we have today, was not what we had ten years ago, or even five years ago. Today we have tools, instruments that allow us to detect injuries that before were almost impossible to detect. Believe me, I am very sure of these conclusions, and their results. I can guarantee that the patient can recover her sight without major problems. This will be my third operation of this type, and the two previous ones have been completely successful and as I said before, it only depends on the patient and the time it takes to get her full vision back.

- God! I'm really in shock, excuse me Dr.Kane, it's not that I do not believe in your professional ability, but I am really surprised by this very good news. I will inform Ms.Griffin of the good news and will let you know when she is ready for the operation to take place. Please send me the dates in which you can carry out the operation as I am sure that Ms. Griffin will want to proceed immediately with the procedure.

- I will tell my secretary to send the dates to you as soon as possible but now that I remember, next week I have a free space if the patient would be interested.

- Oh, that would be perfect Dr. Kane, please reserve it for Ms.Griffin, I'm sure she'll agree. Thank you very much, for contacting me and giving me such great news. I hope we are successful and get the results that you expect.

- I am very optimistic about it, from what I have seen in the tests and x-rays and from discussing it with my team, we have concluded that Ms. Griffin has a high percentage of probability of success, as in the other two similar cases that I have operated on. Let me know as soon as you about what Ms. Griffin says about the date next week, so we can proceed as soon as possible. It has been a pleasure to inform you of this good news and I will see you soon Dr.Woods.

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