Getting Away With It

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"I've been walking in the rain, just to get wet on purpose. I've been forcing myself not to forget just to feel worse"

By the time they're on the tarmac Spencer thinks he's mastered the whole looking and acting sober thing. It's a rush and they get into the waiting cars and drive to the police station.

"JJ, I need you to talk to the press" Hotch says "the rest of us will talk to the officer in charge"

It's only now the nausea is catching up with Spencer. He'd forgotten about that part. He'd be fine, they'd get to the station and he could have some water.

The drive seems to take forever but soon they're pulling up into the car park.

"You must be the fbi" an officer says "I'm chief constable Smith"

"I'm ssa Aaron hotchner" hotch reaches to shakes Smith's hand. "These are agents Morgan, Jareau, Rossi, and doctor Reid"

JJ splits off to go talk to the waiting press whilst the others head inside.

"This is everything we have on the case" Smith points to files sitting on a circular table "let me know if you need anything"

"Actually could I have some water?" Spencer asks

"Of course, kitchens thought the doors and second door on the right"

Spencer nods and stands up, steadying himself as a wave of dizziness washed over him. It's then he realises he hasn't eaten since the day before yesterday. He had some protein bars with him so he decided he'd quickly have one of those.

He drinks two glasses of water but that doesn't seem to help with the nausea, if anything it makes it worse.

He heads back to his assigned desk and reaches for a protein bar from his bag. His hands are shaking as he opens it and he only manages half. The team are talking but he can't seem to focus. Before he knows it he's out of his seat and searching desperately for the restroom. He finds it just in time and throws up in the nearest toilet.


He hadn't realised anyone had followed him. He stands and sees Morgan looking concerned.

"I'm fine"

"You just threw up" Morgan points out.

"I feel better now" it was true, he did although he knows he should eat something proper soon.

Spencer's legs are shaking as he walks over to the sinks and washes his hands.

"Just need some food" he tells Morgan who eyes him suspiciously.

"I'll go and get you something, meet you back in there?"

Spencer nods and straightens himself out before heading back to his desk.

"Sorry. I guess I ate something bad last night" he apologises to the team.

Hotch gives him a look that says 'I don't believe you but we're busy so we'll talk later'

Thankfully Morgan arrives with a sandwich a few minutes later. Spencer gratefully eats it and then reaches for the water that's been placed on his desk.

The team have had a breakthrough: heroin was found in the last victims body as well but there weren't any signs to show a drug problem.

"So the unsub was injecting them himself?" Spencer asks and flinches at the memory of when he was in that situation.

"We think so" Rossi says "we called the lab and traces of opiates were found in the other three victims. No one thought it was important at the time"

Spencer nods. This was going to be a difficult case.

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