Coming Down

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Spencer feels relieved when they pull up in the carpark of his apartment block. He was looking forward to sleeping for the next few days and not having to worry about work.

It's only as they're climbing the stairs he feels a pang of anxiety. What if he got bored? The cravings were always worse then. He knew Morgan was there but he couldn't stay forever.

"Alright kid?" Morgan asks and Spencer nods, he reaches into his bag for the key.

"Do you ever tidy?" Morgan comments as they step inside.

"Not for a while"

"Guess that's what we're doing tomorrow" Morgan laughs and dumps the bags in the hall.

Yes, Spencer thinks, that would keep them both busy, depending on how he was feeling.

"I better find you a blanket" Spencer says going to the bedroom.

He rarely had people staying over so he'd never specifically bought any spare bedding but he finds a blanket and pillow in a cupboard.

"How are you feeling?" Morgan asks, clearing books off the couch.

"Tired. But not as sick"

"Good. Sleep and it'll be better in the morning"

Spencer nods and goes to his bedroom.

"Hey kid?"


"Where's the stuff?"

"Oh" Spencer stops. He wants to ask to keep some, but that was probably the worst idea in the world.

He finds the key to the box with the drugs and hands it to Morgan.

"Thanks, I'll sort this out"


"Don't worry about it, just go to sleep"

Spencer smiles and goes to get changed. He's shaking again but he's too tired to care, he barely has enough energy to brush his teeth and all but collapses into bed.


Morgan's woken to shouting. He holds upright, hand immediately going to his gun under his pillow.

It's still dark outside so that could only mean something bad was happening.

After a moment his surroundings catch up to him and he remembers he's in Spencer's apartment.

"Reid?" He shouts.

He's in the bedroom in no time. Spencer's sitting up in bed looking terrified.

"Hey" Morgan puts his gun down and goes to sit on the bed.


"Yeah, it's me"

"Nightmare. It's fine"


"Yeah. It's normal for me" Spencer looks defeated and Morgan wants to cry. He knew the kid had nightmares but he had no idea how bad they were.

"Alright. What would help?"

"I don't know. Nothing has in the past"

"Would it...I mean, if I shared your bed?"

Spencer looks surprised "I've never tried that"

"It's worth a shot"

Spencer nods and lies back down. Morgan shuts the door and hides his gun before joining Spencer in the bed.

"It's alright, just relax" Morgan coaxes

Spencer rolls on his side and shuts his eyes. Morgan stays awake until he hears Spencer's breathing even out. Only then he feels safe to sleep himself, praying they'd both sleep for a good few hours. God knows they needed it.

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