I Fall Apart

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"Now that I know that I'm breaking to pieces, pull out my heart and I'll feed it to anyone"

Spencer's dream are a vivid mess. He's in the barn one minute, then standing at a grave, then he can see his mother being taken away.


There's someone shaking him and it's then he realises he's shouting.


He forces his eyes open and immediately regrets it. The dizziness and nausea come back and he's drenched in sweat. He looks up and sees Morgan looking at him.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"We tried calling. We were worried" Morgan explains.

"Was sleeping"

Spencer tries to get out of bed as he feels the nausea rising. His legs are shaking so much he doesn't make it and throws up on the floor.

He feels so weak he just falls back on the bed and curls up, trying to stop the aching in his stomach.

"Kid? What's going on?" Morgan asks.

"Nothing. Just not well"

"Come on, something else is happening here"

"Go away. I wanna sleep" Spencer begs.

"I'm not gonna do that, you're not well"


"Come on"

Morgan helps Spencer up and out to his room next door. It's slow going but they make it.

"Go shower" Morgan says "it'll make you feel better"


Morgan digs in his drawer and pulls out some clothes for Spencer who takes them and goes to the bathroom.

He turns the hot water on and sits down under it. He couldn't believe he was going through this again. The first time had been hell and this wasn't any better. He rests his head on his knees and allows himself to cry for a minute.

"Get it together" he whispers to himself and sits up straighter.

He turns the temperature down and slowly washes himself. The shaking has mostly stopped but he's still feeling off.

He dries himself and dresses before going into the bedroom.

"How you feeling?" Morgan asks.

"Alright. Am I in trouble?"

"No kid, don't worry about it"

Spencer nods and sits down on the bed. Morgan passes him a bottle of water which he gratefully takes.

"Food?" Morgan asks.


"Sure, I'll phone down. Then we need to talk"

Spencer nods. He knew this was coming and right now he feels too weak to argue. He's dreading it, he knows he's going to be found out and god knows what would happen. He'd get fired? Forced into treatment?

He eats his crackers slowly, aware that Morgan is watching him.

"So" Morgan sits down on the chair "What's going on?"

"I think I ate something bad"

"There's more to it than that, come on"

"And the stress, with Emily..."


"That's all" Spencer says quickly.

"Alright. Hotch wants a word when you feel better"

Spencer nods "Can I sleep?"

Morgan sighs "yeah, I'll be here"

Spencer gets comfortable and tries to sleep. He finds he's not as tired as he was so he can't drift off.

"Are you closer to solving it?" He asks.

"Yeah. Garcia found an address, don't worry they're probably there now. We can go home soon"

Spencer nods "good"

There's silence for a moment as Morgan checks his phone.


"Yeah kid?" Morgan puts his phone away and looks at Spencer.

"I...I guess..."

"It's ok"

"I've been using again"

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