What She Said

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'That's when she said "I don't hate you boy I just want to save you while there's still something left to save"'

JJ watched Spencer closely as he slept. They were all struggling but she couldn't help but worry about him specifically. Maybe it was because he was the youngest or the fact he'd barely spoken since yesterday.

She couldn't help but wonder if he was ok, if he was...no. he wouldn't be using again. It would be more obvious wouldn't it? Well, after last time maybe not.

She shakes her head trying to get rid of the thought. Spencer didn't get much sleep anyway so he was bound to crash eventually. Besides, everyone reacted to grief differently, it didn't mean the worst was happening.

JJ goes back to making notes on what she was going to say to the press. She was glad they had another case so soon after, it made everything seem almost normal again. She glances at Spencer every so often. She'd keep an eye on him she decided. She wasn't going to let him slip away this time.

The team are so engrossed in working it's a shock when Spencer jolts awake suddenly, obviously panicked. JJ looks at him, he's glancing around the jet trying to place his surroundings, making sure hes safe.

"Spence?" She asks cautiously.

This seems to bring him back to reality. He jumps up and rushes to the bathroom leaving the rest of the team staring after him.

JJ here's the tap come on but the noise of the jet blocks everything else out.

When Spencer returns a few minutes later he looks a bit more awake. He sits down on the couch and takes a book out of his bag, seemingly unaware the team were looking at him.

"Ok kid?" Morgan asks.

"Yeah. Nightmare. I don't wanna talk about it"

Even then that doesn't strike JJ as odd. He was prone to nightmares so really after what had happened, she should have seen it coming.

Soon they're landing so she has to push it out of her mind. They had a job to do.

Disintegration | | Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now