There For You

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"I know the sun will shine, another day another time"

"I'm using again"

Morgan nods. He'd been expecting it but it was still hard to hear.

"I ran out last night. I guess this is withdrawal"

"Is this because of Emily?"


"You should have talked to one of us"

"You were all struggling too, it wouldn't be fair"

Morgan sighs and moves closer, taking Spencer's hands in his own.

"That doesn't matter. We're here for you, always"

Spencer looks down "thanks"

"Hey, it's alright"

"What's gonna happen? I can't get fired. This job is all I have"

"I know. I don't know what's gonna happen but you're a valuable member of the team. We need you"

There's silence for a few minutes. Spencer feels better that it's out in the open but now he's worried. He'd gotten away with it last time but this time? Would he be so lucky?

"Just tell me one thing" Morgan says "were you gonna stop?"

Spencer removes his hands from Morgan's and moves back.

"I...I don't know. I guess I would eventually"

"I believe you. How are you feeling?"

"Exhausted" Spencer admits.

"Sleep. Don't worry about for now, we'll sort it when you wake up"


Spencer gets under the covers and Morgan shuts the lights off. He sits there watching his friend, he was glad he'd told him what was going on but he didn't know what they were going to do now. True Spencer was a valuable member of the team and would they really want to replace another agent so soon?

Last time Spencer had gotten clean on his own so Morgan had no doubts he'd be able to do the same this time. He figured hotch would think the same thing. So long as Strauss didn't find out it would be ok. He hoped.

There's a knock on the door half an hour later. Morgan answers it to hotch.

"We got him" Hotch says "how's Reid?"

"Sleeping" Morgan says, stepping outside the room.


Morgan considers. He knows he should tell hotch, maybe he could get the kid some proper help. Maybe...

"He's been using again" he says before he can stop himself "he ran out yesterday, he hasn't taken anything since. That's why he's sick"

Hotch nods "Alright. I'll talk to him when he wakes up"

"Hotch...look. I think we both know the team needs him. He'll be hard to replace. If you just give him a few days off he'll be fine, I'm sure of it. You could send him back to the support group, and maybe to talk to someone"

"I'm not going to fire him" Hotch assures Morgan "I am worried. I should have thought about this possibility"

"I don't think we wanted to admit it"

"There's a psychiatrist back in Quantico. I'll call her when we're back"

"A psych hotch?"

"There's obviously something going on. She'll be able to help. We have the next couple of days off so that'll help him regroup too. I have Jack but maybe you could stay with him"

Morgan let's out a sigh of relief "of course. Thank you, hotch"

Hotch nods "I don't want to lose him either. We're going to a restaurant. We'll be back soon, will he be ok to fly?"

"Yeah. Give him an hour?"

"Of course. I'll speak to him then"

"See you"

Hotch walks off down the corridor and Morgan goes to Spencer's room and starts to pack his things. He knew he didn't like people touching his things but he figured this was the best option.

Most of Spencer's things are still in his case, there's just a few books on the nightstand so Morgan packs those as well as the things in the bathroom and takes them back to his room.

Spencer's still asleep so Morgan orders himself some food. As he eats he plans how best to help Spencer over the next few days, and even further down the line. He doesn't know how he'll react to having to see a psych as well.

He spends the rest of the hour pacing the room and packing up his stuff. He doesn't want to wake Spencer but he knows he'll feel more comfortable at home.

"Hey Reid"

He carefully shakes him and slowly Spencer opens his eyes.

"We're going soon" Morgan tells him.

Spencer nods.

"Want anything?"

"Water, please"

"Sure. Hotch will be back soon. He wants to talk to you but it'll be alright. He's not gonna fire you"

"How do you know?"

"He told me"

"You told him!?"

"It's for the best. He needs to know, and he can help"

Spencer sighs and sits up.

"I guess he would have found out anyway"

Spencer gets out of bed and finds he feels slightly better. His head was still swimming and he was slightly too warm, but at least he didn't feel as sick now.

"You packed my things?" He asks, noticing his case and bag on the floor.



Soon the door goes and Spencer feels his stomach drop. He knows Morgan said hotch wouldn't fire him, but he probably wouldn't be happy.

"It's alright" Morgan says as Spencer opens the door.

"How are you feeling?" Hotch asks.


"I think we need to talk"



Spencer sighs and looks back at Morgan.


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