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I started showing Baekhyun how to use the machines for making coffee and how to use the cash register.
"You will probably be sticking to the cash register for a little bit. It's easier to deal with."
"I just hope those girls that order specific and complicated orders don't go here...." he spoke up a little worried.
I laughed.
"Oh, honey. They do." I said and laughed again. "Good luck!"
"At least I'm not the one making those!"
"Yes, but they are so much easier to make than getting the order." I said and pushed him to the counter.
Just then the bell rang, signaling that someone has entered the cafe.
Strange though. Usually no one enters this early.
Baekhyun and I both looked up at the entrance.
"Good morning, sir! Welcome to Love Coffee Cafe!" Baekhyun spoke up cheerfully.
But the guy that had just wondered in gave back a scowl.
Why is he even here....?
I thought I told him to go away?
"Y/N!" He shouted at me.
I internally groaned and went back to the machines, ready to make an order.
"Do you know him?" Baekhyun asked.
"Nope. He just goes to my school. Apparently people talk about me a lot and so I'm guessing he's heard of me." I responded with no emotion evident in my voice. I turned away from him and stood by the machines away from the cash register.
I have always been good at acting, thank God. But some people always have to ruin it.
"Why are you lying?" I jumped at the sound of his voice. However, I didn't dare to look at him. Way to ruin my mood, douchebag.
"Why are you here?" I snapped back at him while Baekhyun was just staring at us awkwardly. I turned my head to look at Baekhyun to see him staring at the guy that walked into the cafe.
"I came here to see you, of course! Silly!" He responded, giggling.
"I told you to go away and leave me alone."
How could he act like nothing happened?
I was looking at him at this point and I could see his eyes. They seemed to turn a shade darker and he almost looked scary.
"What if I don't want to?" He pouted, but his eyes still looked frightening. It looked like he could murder anyone at any second.
"Okay, there anything that you wanted to get? Or are you just going to stand there while we are trying to work?" Baekhyun spoke up before it got more awkward and glared at the other boy.
I mouthed a thank you and turned away from the both of them.
"Oh, I apologize. I never introduced myself, did I? I'm Jungkook, Y/N's boyfriend."
I literally choked on nothing.
I started coughing and Baekhyun pat my back for a while until I got back to normal.
Jeez...Why the fuck did he say that!?
I could feel Baekhyun stiffen and I was guessing Jungkook was glaring at him, but I didn't want to see his face right now so I didn't turn around.
"Are you really her boyfriend?" Baekhyun asked him while eyeing him suspiciously.
"Of course, why else would I be here?"
"To get coffee."
"I'm not a huge fan, actually. But sense she works here, I'll come here more often." He smiled.
I finally turned to look at him and speak my mind, but then suddenly...
I could see his face brighten when I looked at him and he said, "Babe, come give me a kiss before you start your shift!"
My face became red as a tomato as I nearly choked again.
Even Baekhyun was surprised.
But I kept my cool and responded, "My shift already started, you prick."
"Ah...well then, give me a kiss before people start coming in!" He smiled cheekily.
"People already started coming in," I responded.
"Really? Who?" He said while looking around, noticing it was basically deserted.
"You, you idiot," I said.
He froze a minute and glared at me. He was getting pissed off. I could literally feel it.
"Why are you so mean to me? Stop being sarcastic, and come here! Right now!" He growled through gritted teeth.
It kind of frightened me, so I moved towards the counter.
"What the hell is your problem!?" I whisper-shouted.
"I don't like that guy, he gives me the creeps. So, if he tries to make a move on you, I made it sound like you were my girl friend. So give me a kiss and he'll believe it," he said, while glaring at Baekhyun.
I could tell Baekhyun felt his stare because he looked a little stiff.
"Why are you trying to protect me? Wait, why do you even care? Go fuck a slut like you usually do. He's not a bad guy and I don't need your help." I said glaring back at Jungkook.
"You just met him as well. And don't ever fucking speak to me like that again. I already warned you once now trust me on this and just give me a kiss."
"Well you just met him, too! So fuck off and leave!" I was still whisper-shouting.
I was turning around when he suddenly grabbed my arm, pulled me back towards the counter and kissed me. On. The. Cheek.
Then he left.
Like...WHAT THE FUCK!? Who does that!?
"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!" I shouted towards the door. I could feel the heat radiating off my face, but I couldn't tell if I was embarrassed or if it was all the anger I was feeling.
"Okay!" Baekhyun said while clapping his hands together. "Let's get started!"
He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to the machines and patted my head.
I was still in a daze when the bell rang again, signaling the second customer today.
I sighed and looked up at the door. More people were coming in and most of them were regulars. I memorized their orders a long time ago and got started with making each of them.
Baekhyun looked at me and I read the order out loud to him without looking at the receipt to prove he had nothing to worry about.
"You memorized their orders??!?" He asked, genuinely shocked.
"They're regulars here. Trust me if you keep working here, you'll memorize them too." I kept making the drinks even when the people didn't order yet. So as soon as they paid I called them up.
"You memorized a lot of orders," a sweet feminine voice said.
I looked up at the person who was speaking and saw one of the regulars who started coming here as soon as the cafe was opened to the public. Aka, my best friend.
"Jisoo!" I said while smiling, "Of course I remember the orders, these people come here hella often."
She giggled a little.
"You're still the same. Always saying things with the word hella. Even when it's serious." She kept giggling and I looked at her like she was a maniac.
"You're weird..." I said.
"Oh shut up, you nonexistent hoe!"
"Wait..what?" I said looking confused.
"That doesn't even make sense," I said through a pit of laughter.
"Who cares," Jisoo responded while still giggling. "Oh and by the way," she said turning a little more serious, "there's this really hot guy outside the cafe and he wanted me to give this to you. It's an application to work here. However, he gives me a weird vibe. You might know him. He goes to your school."
"Really? What was his name?" I said as I grabbed the form.

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