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     I threw on a black dress that was covered in lace at the top and put on some black heels that brought me about an inch or two off the ground.
    It's been a week and a half since my parents death. My parents parents decided to set up the funeral instead of me. I don't think they knew about my existence. I don't remember meeting them, at all.
   "Are you okay, baby?" Baekhyun asked with his head peeking through the door.
   I smiled sadly at him and shook my head.
   "'ll be okay. You will get through this," he assured me and engulfed me in a warm hug.
    "Thank you...." I whispered and hugged him back.
    Baekhyun and I started dating about five days ago and I don't think I'd still be here without him.
   I smiled at the thought of us together. He offered to come with me to the funeral and here we are. Him in a nice black and white suit and me in a pretty but elegant black dress. I would be happy if I didn't know what was actually going on.
   He wrapped his arm around my waist and lead me outside to his car. He opened the door like a gentlemen. I would have laughed but I couldn't. Not today.
   I gave him a small peck on the lips as a thank you and got into the car. I could see him blush when getting in and I smiled shyly.
   "We'll be there in a minute," he said while starting the car. "Will you be saying a speech?"
   "No...I don't think I can..." I responded and started to look out the window.
   I felt him grab my hand and squeeze it once before putting his hand back on the steering wheel.
   I know he was trying to reassure me, but I still felt cold and emotionless.
   Even after a week, I sill couldn't believe they're gone....
'I should of been home...'
   "What are you thinking, baby?" He whispered.
   "It's alright to tell me. I'll try to understand to the best of my abilities. So, please tell me," he begged while glancing at me for a second, then turning back to look at the road.
   "I should have been there when it happened. If I didn't work that night or if I just didn't go, I could have saved them," My voice cracked and a single tear fell out of my left eye.
   "Honey, it's not your fault. You would have gotten hurt as well and then all of you could have died. It was their time to go, just think of them in a special place. You need to be thankful that you got the chance to keep living."
   I looked at him when I heard his voice crack and saw that he was crying.
   "Why...why are you crying?"
   He looked at me and smiled, a genuine smile this time.
   He said, "Because it hurts me to know that you think it's your fault and that you think you deserve to die instead of others."
   I leaned over from the passenger seat and kissed his check slowly. It felt like everything was going in slow motion.
  I want to be happy for myself and for him.
  In less than a few minutes we were already at the church. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car.
  I walked into a room full of strangers. I didn't know anyone that was here. I've never even seen their faces. I pulled Baekhyuns hand to another small room that held snacks.
"Do you mind waiting here while I head to the restroom?" I asked, quietly.
"Not at all," he responded while planting a kiss on my forehead. "Just don't be too long."
I nodded and headed to the women's restroom. I opened the farthest stall from the door and stepped inside.
   I didn't need to use it but there was so many people I just needed to be left alone.
However it was not long after that I heard the door open again.
"Did you hear about that daughter they had? I heard she was a total bitch and was way over the top," one girl spoke up, suddenly.
"Oh yeah. What was her name? Like Y/N or some shit? What a fucking ugly name," another girl giggled.
"Heard she knew about the whole plan of their death and went to work late on purpose that night even though she wasn't originally scheduled."
"What a bitch of a daughter. She should of been the one to die. No one liked her anyways."
"No likes her now either."
     I could practically hear the smiles planted on their faces. Both of the girls giggled and walked out of the restroom. I covered my hand and held in my sobs.
   I don't understand why I can't be left alone. Why is everything blamed on me?
    Everything is always blamed on me....
    But they're right...I should have been.
   I sob broke out from my mouth and I knew I needed to leave and I needed to leave now.
I walked out of the stall and washed my hands quickly. I opened the door, making sure no one was around before bolting out the front entrance into the parking lot.
I immediately called Baekhyun.
"Annyeong Y/N. Why are you calling me from the bathroom?" Baekhyun asked, confusedly
"Please....please come st-start the car," I tried to say through my cries while running towards the car.

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