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   "Why are you here? Are you following me again?" I asked him.
    "No, I just happened to be around. Besides you shouldn't walk by yourself at night, it's dangerous."
    "Whatever Jungkook. I'd rather walk by myself than with you," I turned around and started walking.
    "Ouch..that hurt," he said with a pout, "Come on, let me walk you home."
     "You're crazy. I'm not letting you walk me home."
     "I am crazy, crazy for you," he responded and winked at me.
     I groaned, "You need to leave me alone before I make you dig your own grave."
    "You can't hurt a fly, so you especially can't—-FUCK!!"
    I smirked with satisfaction and kept walking.
   "You're bullshit Jungkook. I can definitely hurt a fly if I can hurt you."
     "You didn't have to kick me so hard though!" He whined, still following me but limping this time.
"I wouldn't have to if you would just stop following me! Why can't you quit it?! We don't even know each other!"
"I want to know you though..."
"Well I do not! Just leave me alone!"
I kept walking and realized he wasn't following me anymore.
Maybe I was too harsh...
Jungkook's POV
I grit my teeth and balled up my fist.
Why does she see only that side of me!? I can be good too!
I waited until she was out of sight and sunk back into the alley way. I put on my mask and waited until it would hit one in the morning. I had business to take care of.
   I checked my watch and it was almost one. He should be coming out soon. Just then I saw the cafe doors open, close, then lock. My mask was only covering my mouth, so he'll probably find out who I am.
   I walked up to Baekhyun and tapped his shoulder.
  He turned around and looked at me in the eyes.
  "Jungkook?" He questioned.
  "Yeah, it's me..." I said taking off my mask. "Can I talk to you?"
    "Yeah, sure."
   We started walking the opposite direction from Y/N's house. I have to ask nicely so he will stay away from her.
"She's cute, isn't she?" He asked breaking the awkward silence.
"Yeah..." I responded, "actually I wanted to ask you not to make any moves on her..I really like her, but she doesn't seem to notice..or believe.."
   "What do you like about her?"
   I froze. I didn't think he would ask that question. I tried to say something but nothing would come out of my mouth.
   "Until you can come up with reasons why you like her, I won't stop trying to get her attention." Then he walked off.
   He ended it just like that.
I'll make you stop trying! She's mine!
I shook my head back and forth.
"She's a human, not a toy," I sighed out. "What's gotten into me lately...."
Kill him!
My eyes widened and I knew I had to leave. Why would I think something like that. I'm...I'm not crazy...
I got home and opened the door slowly, trying not to make any noise. The door slowly creaked open and I got inside. As I was shutting the door the lights switched on.
Oh God, no....please no...
Tears formed in my eyes before he even said anything. I knew who was standing behind me, but I just didn't want to turn around.
"Look at me," he said.
I closed my eyes tight, getting rid of the tears about to spill out.
"Look at me, NOW!" He shouted, probably going to wake up mom.
I turned around and looked him in the eyes.
"Why are you home late?!" He shouted.
"I-I had work...My shift just ended."
"That's no fucking excuse! You were probably fucking some shit head, you little slut!" He shouted.
"It's..it's not what you think...I was making some extra cash...b-by working later."
"Where the hell is this so called cash at," He air quoted cash and glared at me.
"I..I don't have it today," I said closing my eyes afraid of what was to come next.
Before I knew it he attacked me and pushed me to the floor.
Why...why do they hate me so much...? What have I done to deserve this? Why...why can't they UNDERSTAND IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!?
I feel to the ground with a thud and gripped my stomach.
How could someone do this to their family...?
He punched me in the face and I couldn't help but start to cry.
"D-dad," I called out, "Please...please stop..."
"Don't call me that! You aren't my daughter! I don't love you!"
He grabbed a liquor bottle from the tiny table at the corner of the room and threw it at me. He missed by a small shot. I felt the wind by my cheek and flinched.
The terrible reality hits me...he could of killed me...he still can...
The bottle broke into tiny pieces right next to the front door. I put my knees up against my chest and buried my head inside my knees.
I heard him start to walk towards the door and I think he picked up a piece of glass.
Before I could do anything he picked my up and threw me back on the ground. The wind was knocked out of me as I landed on my back.
I looked up, frightened, and saw the glass in his hand with an evil smirk.
He walked towards me and held out the glass. It was sharp. Sharper than any knife...I knew what he was going to do...it's never gotten this far...
He stepped on my stomach and it made it even harder to breathe. I sucked in as much breath as I could and prepared to take in more when he cut right through my leg with the glass.
I screamed so loud that I thought people across the world would be able to hear me. However, I knew that wasn't possible because we lived in an area where nobody else was. There wasn't another house miles from here.
I screamed again as he made another cut. The expression on his face was so demented. His eyes were hooded by his hair and I knew he was staring at me. His smile was so big as I cried in pain from the cut.
He cut me again, right across my stomach. I screamed louder than I thought I ever could and he smacked me.
"Shut your mouth! You're going to wake up your mother!" He shouted.
He was about to cut me again but suddenly he decided to stop. It became silent and at first I couldn't hear anything. The only thing on my mind was how much the cuts hurt and I was looking at the blood oozing out of my stomach and legs.
I kept crying loudly, I couldn't stop. It hurt so much.
He smacked me again and told me to shut up. I tried to calm my breathing and focus in on the sounds around me. Then I heard it, the eerie creaks of wood from upstairs. Mom was awake now...

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