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•••1 week later•••

Y/n P.O.V:

It's moving day.

 I've packed everything from my uggs to my watches.

 I can't believe I'm actually going to leave the place where I grew up since I was born. I've lived here for 13 years, but I don't think that matters to my dad. But saddest of all I'm going to leave Ashley.

This week was the best week I've had In my life, But I'll have to say goodbye to that. 

I'm at the airport with my mom and dad... And Ashley. She's always by my side no matter what but in 20 min all of that will change.

"So I guess this is it. Friends forever right? " I ask

"Right. Forever No matter what."

 "Be sure to FaceTime me when you get to North Carolina, okay?" Ashley says

"o-okay" I stutter

"hey lighten up! I'll visit you every month and you too!" Ashley says trying to cheer me up. 

We hug for 30 min and I shed tears and so did she. Memories of my childhood with her filled my mind, I couldn't contain myself.


Aw. Poor You.. You have to leave Ashley :(( I don't have emoji's on the laptops they give us at school so on the next few chapters I'm sorry oh wait nevermind im leaving this class, so it might be up for today

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