Conquered Kingdoms (Warlock x Reader)

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(I hope you like! I got bored and decided to update a little early)

"Happy Birthdaaay dear (y/n)! Happy Birthday to you!" Your friends and family sing, very off key and badly, on purpose of course, as your cake is presented on the silver platter of a servant. You giggle softly, leaning on the table in your party dress. Shaking your head at their silliness you bend over and blow out the candles with a deep breath.

"Happy Birthday (y/n)!" Your best friend practically screams as she throws her arms around your shoulders with the biggest grin. You grin, giving her a hug right back before turning towards your parents as they both smiled right back.

"Now time for cake!" She yells and you shake your head at her silliness and overeagerness to eat. You shake your head and push her away gently, smoothing out her dress and straightening the straight cuff sleeves. The dress was one of your favourites, tight-fitting flare short dress with a sweetheart neckline and straight cuff off the shoulder sleeves. All in a deep maroon that beautifully highlighted your skin tone with black thigh high stockings and doll shoes.

"Sorry my dear, but not quite yet, we have entertainment first! We hired only the best magician for your 19th birthday darling!" Your mother claims, motioning towards where a stage had been set up on the other side of the room, curtains drawn to hide the wooden planks. You can't help but roll your eyes at the idea of a magician performing at your 19th birthday party, of all things, a magician? It was just so. . . so childish. You put on the expected smile however and motion for your friends to follow you to the cushions set up on the floor for viewing pleasure.

You take a seat on the floor, crossing your legs in front of you to be ladylike and all that as the curtains open wide. You look at the stage for it to only be blank, then in a puff of smoke appears one of the most handsome men you have ever seen. He was so pale that for a moment you didn't even realize he was wearing gloves, with silvery hair that reflected the stage lights, and when he tilted his head up along with his top hat, his eyes were a luminescent pink that brought a flush to your cheeks as he winked at you. Maybe the show wouldn't be so bad after all.

With a flourish the male on stage took a low bow, removing his hat and letting a dove fly out before returning it to his head with another one. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am The Fantastic Felix, King of Deception and Diversion, here to entertain you for the beautiful lady (y/n)'s 19th birthday." He says, gesturing to you with a glove covered hand. Everyone applauds politely for the introduction of the handsome magician.

He begins his act with the most simple of tricks, picking your card or producing flowers and doves from thin air. While the feats were rather impressive, it was nothing out of the ordinary. His eyes were focused on you the entire time, offering you the magical flowers that smelt so amazing, and the doves that had flown over your head before perching on the edge of the stage, freezing like beautiful golden statues with raised wings and open beaks, miniature guards to his domain. Upon approaching an hour, and the end of his show, he spreads his arms wide to quiet the applause from his breathtaking abilities with illusion. He took off one glove and offered you his pearly white hand.

"For my final act, I would like an assist from the birthday girl herself, if she will accept?" The magician asks, raising a silvery eyebrow in question as you accept his hand gracefully and clamber onto the stage. You turn to the audience and smile, giving just the smallest of waves to your parents who gestured for you to go ahead and do what he wants help with. He gives you a charming smile before leading you towards center stage and seating you on a chair that materialized out of nowhere. You blinked having never seen anything quite like it as you gingerly take a seat on the throne. The Fantastic Felix taps his lips slowly, pursing them as if thinking.

"Well, every princess needs a throne, but you are missing your crown my darling, oh, here it is." He said, taking out a golden tiara from it and placing it atop your head. You can't help but let out a giggle at his flattery, shaking your head at the shameless attempts. But he just smiles and continues, "And for every princess, there is a prince!" He exclaimed, placing a matching crown upon his own head as he knelt before her graciously. "My princess, I fear I must lock you away for safekeeping, unfortunately, I don't have a tower, but I do have a chest if you wouldn't mind princess?" He asked, motioning to the open chest definitely large enough to fit you inside. Before you can protest he takes your hand in his, your palm sweating as he leads you into the trunk, one step at a time as you lay down on your back and he begins to close it behind you.

"W-wait, do you have to close it?" You ask, suddenly scared that it will lock you inside and you won't be able to escape once it does. He smiles, stroking your cheek gently.

"Hey, it's ok, you won't be here long, I promise, I will save you soon enough from this prison." He murmured, his eyes glinting strangely in the shadows of your coffin. He finally closes the lid and you can hear his muffled calls for the crowd. "Now, let us watch as our princess goes into hiding for eternity." He says, and with an odd tingling sensation everything goes black and suddenly you are in the very back, tied to the same chair you had been sitting on just a little bit earlier. You are disoriented, unsure of how you even got there in the first place. You knew how they usually worked in these things, it was just a trap door in the stage, nothing too fancy, so how had you ended up behind the curtain, or tied to a chair, and why were you tied to a chair? It just didn't make sense. You could still feel that off tingling sensation along your limbs, making them numb, you could only see and hear, you simply couldn't move, but you could still hear his voice from the stage, and those of everyone else too.

"Hey! Where did she go! Aren't you bringing her back!" Someone from the audience called out to the magician.

"Like I said, she has escaped her prison, I am the one to free her from such captivity of this high society." He proclaimed, and you could imagine the mysterious male gesturing in his captivating manner. "She doesn't need people like you to hold her away from the princess she is meant to be." He yells as there are angry sounds, and then a loud ruckus from the stage with coos from doves before there were screams from the audience. But you couldn't move, couldn't escape as he walks back to you, covered in feathers and blood.

"Don't worry my beautiful princess, I will protect you from those that seek to cage you, even if I must clip your wings to keep you from flying away from me as well." The warlock said as he leaned in close to you, face right in front of yours as he kissed your cheek and adjusted his crown, "After all, I am your king, and I have finally found my queen that I will never let go of." He said, grinning as he snaps his fingers and in a whirl of cards you both disappear, never to be heard from again, while the house is discovered with all of its party guests eyes pecked from their sockets and the floor littered with golden dove feathers.

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