Tricky Hearts (Kitsune x Reader)

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(Kitsunetsuki/Kitsune x Reader, requested by someone but kinda forget who, sorry!)

You slip slightly, struggling to run through the heavy mud clogging the road, bag hung over your head in a terrible attempt to obscure the downpour from drowning your hair in its depths. You can feel the rain and puddles that had already soaked your shoes, making your toes squish uncomfortably with every step you take. 

Struggling to breathe, you quickly take shelter beneath the barn overhang that marks one end to your uncle's land, leaning against the wooden side as you allow your bag to drop beside you, taking a seat alongside with an over exaggerated groan of effort. The bus, as much as a pain as it usually was, would have been a relief compared to this dreary day. But, staying after class to speak with the professor had taken longer than expected and you had missed the only bus for the next two hours. Then of course, half way through your luxurious walk back, it had begun to downpour unexpectedly and left you sprinting the last mile. Well, intermittent sprint and walk while struggling to keep your papers and head dry with your bag.

Adjusting the uniform's skirt slightly past your knees and folding your knees beneath you trying to get comfortable with clammy skin as you desperately rub your fingers together attempting to get warm. 

"Are you ok?" As soft as the voice is, you find yourself practically leaping out of your skin, fearing you just had your heart leap from your chest and your soul leave your body in just a moment.

"Oh! Yako! I-I'm fine, thanks." You stammer, eyes freezing on the male as he emerges from the rain, realizing he must have been obscured by the sheets now coming down so hard you must practically scream over it to be heard as it hammers the roof of the barn that your back still rests against. 

"You look cold, why are you out here?" He asks, face and voice completely emotionless at the question as he comes up, dripping water as he stands almost on top of you.

"Missed the bus, had to run here." You say, almost laughing at the stupidity of it. Yako, weird as he was, was actually a rather nice guy in your opinion. He was a hired hand on the farm, actually kind of bad at his job, but your uncle kept claiming it was from the good of his heart and not that they had no money to hire someone more competent. He liked to complain that keeping you fed was what drained him of any earnings from the farm, but you knew much better, it was his damned drinking habits that kept him poor and weak in both mind and body. He had slowly been withering away since the death of your aunt nearly 3 years prior, sad really for once he had been a good man. "Anyway, why are you here? Kind of wet to be working right now don't you think?"

"Waiting for you, you are late." He says abruptly, moving slightly from foot to foot before deciding to stand beside you, leaning against the barn to your right instead and making it much easier to look at him. 

"I'm surprised you noticed." You chuckle slightly, shaking your head as you splay your legs in front of you, leaning your head back to gaze up at the man with his hazel eyes, practically golden like a foxes in the darkness. His platinum hair flat against his skull rather than that spiked mess flecked with mud or dust like it usually was. 

"Of course I did, I always wait for you." He murmurs, eyes running from your face and onto the rain before the both of you as you sit in silence, a blush slowly flushing your cheeks with embarrassment. 

It was true that often times the two of you would sit in the hay loft while you did homework and he would merely procrastinate or perhaps bring a snack for them to share though you never know where he gets the food, merely hoping that it hasn't been stolen from your uncle's kitchen or gardens as that would result in trouble for the both of you. Not that he would ever care, the man seemed to thrive on mischief and trickery, often playing small pranks on your uncle that could be seen as accidents if you didn't know any better. 

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