Drowning Love (Undine x Reader)

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(Undine x Reader)

(Request by someone(?) I forget who gave me this idea in a comment and I am so sorry about that!)

(Quick note before this (I'm so sorry!!!) Just wanted to apologize for taking so long on this, I do have a legitimate excuse though, I started college! Yippee! All online, but it's college so I'll live with it, anyway I hope you enjoy this new little story of murder, love, and obsession! Enjoy my lovely readers!)

"No! You shouldn't see me! It's bad luck on our wedding day!" You giggle, trying to hide by showing your back to your beloved, but you can't help the shy and happy grin that stretches wide across your face, the giddy skipping of your heart as a gentle hand brushes yours as it lies on the boat railing.

"But you're just so beautiful, how could I possibly resist?" He teases into your ear, kissing the top of your head ever so gently to not disturb the hair that had taken forever to do. You can't help the flush that creeps darker and darker onto your rouge brushed cheeks, trying to keep it hidden from him.

"You know, I checked out the honey moon suite on here, closed the curtains, had a few bottles of Champaign brought in. . . grabbed some rose petals. . . We could always take a quick little peak before the ceremony, no one would know." He whispers slyly, sliding his other hand around your waist so lightly that it felt like a ghost's touch on your side, his chest mere centimetres away from your back.

"Jack! You know better, not until after the wedding, besides, it would mess up my hair" You complain, finally turning to face him. His warm eyes  met yours, showing so much love and lust for you that it was difficult to take a step back from him just so you can breathe. "You better get up to that bow you know, they're about to get started." 

Giving a puppy like pout and a sweeping up and down glance, he stalks off, looking like a sulking puppy who had been denied the biggest treat of his life.

Shaking your head and smiling to yourself you look back over the railing to the rushing river below, beautifully drowned in the golden light of the nearly setting sun. The only sharp glare back came from the ring adorning your left hand. Shifting your gaze to that white gem supported by a simple silver band you can't help the doubts that cloud the happiness that had obliterated everything else since the moment he had proposed.

What if they didn't work, what if he left you, what if. You stop yourself right there, he would never leave you, he loved you too much, he had loved you since the second year of high school and had never once showed interest in another person. They had worked for eight years, and not once had they fought and not worked it out. The soft sound of music beginning to play from the front of the boat dragged you from the revery as you grab the hem of your dress, dragging yourself around to the front, ready to dedicate yourself to the love of your life.

Before you were in full view of the reception, the boat lurches harshly, tilting precariously as you slam into the cabin rail in the middle, the wind knocked from your body as you slump over it, peering down the steep stairs into semi darkness. Trying to catch your breath as you cling to the rail, the boat lurches again, shoving you back into the railing again and giving you an even better view of the darkness, and the view of your beloved kissing his best man. No, that couldn't be it, it must have been the darkness and the boat, but before you can get a better view it tilts to the other side, the orchestra's harsh notes testimony to turbulence.

You are slammed into the outside rail as it tilts precariously to the other side, and you are faced with the dark blue depths only feet away, gripping white knuckled to the railing already slippery from sea spray. Below, in those depths, you see pale bodies, shimmering and white as they slip between the waves and eddies alongside you. 

Your eyes widen, what were they? Some grotesque result of a terrible shipwreck? But as you watch, one of them turns and looks up, a male, skin so white that it is nearly see-through and long hair to match. He gives a small smirk, revealing pointed teeth  as he disappears into the water once more, it was alive, the corpses were alive. But then they couldn't be corpses, spirits perhaps? A merman?

You didn't have time to question it though as you are yanked backwards from the railing by strong arms and the forceful rock of the boat that has you and the man that grabbed you stumbling backwards and into the railing in the middle once more, knocking the wind out of the both of you as he lets out a grunt of pain and breath directly beside your ear.

"Are you ok?" Jack's voice grunts into your ear, squished by your force squeezing him into the railing. Your heart skipped a beat, it hadn't been him down the stairs then.

"Yeah, what was that!?" You squeal loudly as another jolt rocks the boat the other way harshly and his hand grabbing tightly to your dress was the only thing keeping you from sliding back the other way again.

"No idea, but whatever it is, I think it's trying to sink our wedding." He grunted as you slid back into him yet again with another violent shake of the boat and several screams from the bow.

"What do we do!" You try not to scream or cry or break down in general, it is your wedding day after all, you think as it can't get much worse until you hear the screams from below of flooding as people are rushing to the upper decks again, bells clang as the boat shudders violently, throwing you back to the outside railing and halfway over before Jack slams into your legs, holding you in place parallel to the crashing waves.

Your eyes meet a pair  just below that roiling surface, golden like a fish's scales but void of any light as if they had their soul sucked from their depths as they hold yours and a wide smile spreads across his lips revealing shark-like teeth beneath cracked lips. As you stare into their depths you can feel a cold wave wash over you and the air sucked out of your lungs like icy water just hit you with full on force. 

As the boat pitched again, Jack let go of you and crashed over the center railing and into the water below.

"Jack!" You scream, reaching towards where he had disappeared before the boat tipped yet again, your face so close to the water that you could feel the spray on your face as a hand reaches out of the water to snatch at your hair, brushing a strand ever so gently with a hand so rough it feels like sandpaper. Before anything else  can happen the boat tilts the other way and your slack grip on the railing fails you, screams filling the air as you fall through the air in slow motion.

Your wedding day, the best day of your life, was over. Your groom had drowned below deck, and now, you were falling to your death as the boat flipped on top of you, your beautiful white wedding dress flowing around you, arms flailing as you try to grab hold of something, anything to keep you from drowning. 

It was like a brick wall, shoving every ounce of oxygen from your lungs as you are swallowed by the depths of dark waves and you sink, eyes watching the glimmer of lights washed away as the shadow of a sinking ship blocks the very sun from the sky and shadows of faces and corpses grin widely, their smiles sharp and deadly as they flit away as fast as they come into focus like waves crashing upon the beach.

You see flailing legs around you, people trying to stay afloat as hands grab them tightly, yanking and tugging, begging your friends and family to drown with you but the shock of cold had frozen your limbs and you couldn't help any of them. 

Your back is caressed by another body so fluid it felt like water made solid, molded to your body as a hand finds your throat, gently cupping it before traveling up your chin, tilting your head back ever so gently as lips met your earlobe, tugging slightly.

"Hello, my beautiful bride." It whispers like a sea breeze, cool and salty but full of something dark and mysterious at the same time as the body below you shifts, passing around you, holding you, and then the face materializes in front of you. The golden bleached eyes and sharp teeth, the white hair and translucent skin as he stares into your eyes, leaching your soul from your body as you struggle to breathe, drowning slowly as you gasp for air, choking on the water.

His hand comes to your mouth, pressing a finger to your gaping lips as it starts to become fuzzier, darkening slowly. "You are mine now, no more heartbreak, no more death, only my bride." He whispers, and then everything is gone.

The tragedy of the wedding boat sinking makes the news as a freak crash upon the rocks, a tipping that resulted in so many deaths, as the undine had seen something that you hadn't, his eyes catching the hidden kisses of a traitorous groom and her bridesmaid, with no one to tell the tale of their tragic wedding.

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