Chapter 5

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"Now we are going to have some fun." The Red Queen snaps her fingers, and one of the male servants pulls over a cart filled with multi-colored strips of cloth all made with different types of material, from the other side of the Throne Room.

Alice notices that the band that makes the sack hang so nice, at one point has been pulled to the back, then straight down, ending up at 45 degrees out in front, before returning to the back and then forward again. "Do they have a mind of their own?" wonders Alice.

The Red Queen smiles. "Watch the female."

Alice does, and the chain attached to the three points on her body gets pulled down and then released, and then pulled down and released again. "I wonder how that would feel?" Alice thought.

"Maybe you will find out," adds the Red Queen.

The cart arrives at the Red Queen's side as she looks at the material, taking in the colors and patterns. She can just reach the cart and runs her hand over some of them. Some are cool to the touch, some are soft, while others are all coarse and scratchy. Alice, for the life of her, could not imagine what the Red Queen was going to do with them. The Red Queen turned to her. "It won't come to that, but close," as she chuckles to herself.

The Red Queen pulls out a length of silvery chain just like the females are wearing. She then commands Alice to make three holes for the little rings to go through. When all is ready, the Red Queen attaches the rings and chains. The females in the room are getting restless, like they know what is coming and are jumpy. She picks one of the females with large pointy breasts. Looking at Alice she says, "What happens to them you will also feel."

One of the Heads takes the girl to the far side of the chamber and starts to attach her to a narrow X shaped frame on wheels that can be adjusted to hold the girl at any position the Red Queen desires. The Red Queen informs her. "Ok, Alice, throughout the palace, positioned every three feet, are metal strips that are set in the floor and are magnetized to pull on the chains and male bands as they move over them. There are three different strengths of magnets for different areas of the castle. The weak one that is in this room is mild and the servants barely notice it. The next strength of magnets is where they can go only if summoned. The third and final strength is the strongest, and is to keep the servants out of entirely, unless accompanied by a free subject of the castle with a neutralizing device. There is also an energy field around the castle that keeps the small explosive charges in the rings and bands from exploding. So just as a word of caution, it may not be a bad idea to stay on the castle grounds if you have one on. The blast may not kill you, but what will be left, will not be much fun anymore."

"Now on to the demonstration and enough of all that talk of blowing things off people's bodies." The Head activates a small switch on the frame and turns the dial, so the frame just crawls across the floor. As it moves, Alice can feel the chain tugging on her nipples and small bud. First, the chain is pulled straight out from her body, pulling gently on her nipples, then as the girl is right over the magnetic strip, the pull is straight down more on the little bud between her legs and then pulled to the back, tugging on her nipples again. The frame moves across the floor and the gentle tugging and movement of the chain starts to make Alice quite aroused. As the frame gets to the other side, the Head turns the frame around for the trip back.

"That was quite pleasant, wasn't it?" asks the Red Queen. "Sometimes I will put it on myself and just walk around the public areas. Now for the next level," she says, as she touches a small device on her arm. She motions to the Head to start the frame moving. This time Alice gasps as the chain is tugged and pulled back and forth, because it almost jumps from the front, to the middle and then to the back. This time, when the frame reaches the other side, Alice is positively squirming on the chains holding her, with her eyes closed.

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