Chapter 46

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Before you guys read, I changed this up a bit.

Evelyn called Jonah to pick up her car from Stacy's before Jonah made plans about following her. So only Stacy's car will take them home.

*Evelyns POV*
I was hanging out with Alan and Stacy for 4 hours at the club. It was really late since I couldn't keep track of time. My phone died when we started pranking people.

Stacy knows her limit when it comes to alcohol so she isn't drunk. Alan, on the other hand, is tipped over. He's flirting with a glass cup filled with water and ice. A certain guy keep looking at him with a smirk so we're definitely taking him home.

"Lets go home. Alan looks like he's going to get murdered by that guy over there." She motions towards the guy I was looking at. "Yeah." I reply.

We walk over to Alan and pick him up by the arms. His arms are now wrapped around our necks as we walk.

"No, wait. I was proposing to Angelica." He protested but didn't have enough strength to go back. "Sorry, Al. Angelica's not going to be in your memory by the next 10 minutes." Stacy said.

Alan pouted but giggled a while later.

We stuffed Alan in the backseat of the car and got in ourselves. We drove to my house first.

When the car stopped in front of the house, Stacy and I both got out so she could hug me goodbye.

"I haven't had this much fun in a while. Thank you, Ev." She hugged me tight. "We'll see each other again soon, Stace, so don't get all cheesy." We laughed. "Bye, Ev. Take care." She said. "I will. You too." I replied.

I started walking towards the front door when I heard a car door open.

"Evelyn, wait!" I heard Alan yell. "Alan!" Stacy yelled from inside the car. "Say bye to me." He pouted.

I giggled as I walked over to him. He surprisingly gout out but was going to fall so I held him up.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and held me tight. I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Love you, Ev." He slurred.

He sounded quite sober but I knew he wasn't.

"Love you too, Al. Make sure to invite me to your wedding." I giggled.

He pulled away with his jaw dropped.

"I forgot about Macy." He gasped. "Macy? I thought it was Angelica?" I asked. "Oh, yeah. Wait. I don't know." He sighed.

I chuckled.

"Take care." I said. "Wait. Wasn't it you who I proposed too?" He asked.

I shook my head as I laughed.

"You're gay, Al. Remember?" I replied.

His face softened.

"Oh... I see what's happening. You don't want to marry me. I know you're a guy, Ev." He almost fell over. "Okay, enough. Get in and Stacy will take you home." I stood him up right. "Give me a kiss and then I'll go." He hiccuped. "I am not giving you a kiss and I am not a guy. Get inside the car or you'll pass out on the ground." I chuckled.

He puckered his lips and leaned forward. I laughed as I backed away.

"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

I looked over and Jonah was walking towards us. He looked mad. Oh, boy.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" Jonah slightly pushed Alan. "Jonah, he's drunk!" I protested and stood him up right as he looked confused. "I don't care, he tried to kiss you right now and you guys are all over each other!" Jonah replied. "Jonah, I would never kiss any other guy. We're best friends and he's gay. He thought we were getting married because I was a guy. Leave him alone." I said and walked Alan to the car.

I put him in the backseat.

"Bye, Al. Make sure to drink a lot of water and rest, okay? I'll text you." I explained as I buckled his seatbelt. "Bye, Ev." Stacy said with a smile. "Bye." I replied.

I closed the door and watched as the car drove away.

I turned around to see Jonah with a guilty expression. I walked passed him as I went towards the door.

"Evelyn, wait. I'm sorry." Jonah said.

I turned around with my arms folded. I looked down, anywhere but him.

"Baby, look at me." He said.

"You don't trust me." I pulled his hand away from my chin as I looked in his eyes. "Baby, of course I do. I just overreac-" "You thought I would cheat on you, Jonah. I am your fiancé that wants to have children with you. Don't you think you should have enough trust in me to not cheat?" I cut him off angrily. "That doesn't mean I don't have trust in you because I trust you with my whole life. I'm the jealous type that doesn't want to be replaced because they're not good enough. I'm sorry that I might've seemed like I don't trust you, I'm just scared that I'll lose you. I love, Evelyn. I am so deeply in love with you. Saying that you didn't protest from kissing that guy was me not paying attention when you were enjoying your time with your friends. I didn't pay attention to you laughing and playing around. I understand if you thought I didn't trust you because I would too. I'm sorry." He explained solemnly.

I instantly felt guilty for overreacting.

"I'm sorry too." I replied. "Don't be. Come here." He held out his arms.

I looked at him for a bit.

I walked to him and wrapped my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around my neck. I didn't even know I started crying until I felt Jonahs shirt get damp.

"Why are you crying, love?" Jonah held me tighter. "I don't know." I replied truthfully.

He chuckled as he kissed my head.

"I don't want to lose you either. I love you, Jo. I'm in love with you." I explain.

He pulls away and looks into my eyes. He puts his hands on the sides of my neck and caresses my cheeks with his thumbs.

"This happens, love. Now let's go get some rest. It's not good for you to be staying up this late." He explained.

I nodded. We walked inside and went inside our room.

I changed into a thin strap tank top and shorts for sleepwear.

My eyelids felt heavy as I climbed into bed next to Jonah, who was shirtless with some sweats, and cuddled into him.

"Goodnight, love." He kissed my head again. "Goodnight." I replied and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

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Hope you enjoyed :) ❤️

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