Chapter 49

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Read last chapter for recap if needed

*Evelyns POV*
I woke up from a nap with Jonah because I had to throw up, again. Being nauseas is not fun at all. Now I'm in the bathroom while he's downstairs doing god knows what.

I'm taking this as an opportunity to take the pregnancy test. I'm thinking about surprising him if I am, but I don't want my hopes up.

I jumped from a knock on the door.

"Ev?" I heard Jonahs voice. "Yeah?" I answered. "You okay?" He asked. "Perfectly fine." I replied, "I just got sick again."

I heard him try to open the door.

"I brought you water with a sandwich. Can I come in?" He asked.


I unlocked the door to see a smiling Jonah carrying a plate with a sandwich and a cold water bottle.

I widened the door and let him in. He set the plate and water down.

Shoot! I forgot about the pregnancy test opened on the counter!

"What were you going to do with this?" Jonah asked, referring to the test. "Just looking at it." I lied through a forced smile.

I felt my face heating up.

God, why do I have to be such a terrible liar?!

"Come on, love. I know when you're lying." He pulled me towards him by my waist.

I flinched a bit, still trying to forget the past events.

"Sorry." He let loose. "No, it's okay. It's you." I held his hands with a smile.

Genuine this time.

He nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist again. He looked into my eyes.

"Were you going to take the test without me?" He didn't seem mad.

I looked away from him and nodded.

"Why, love?" He asked. "Well... I wanted to surprise you if I was pregnant." I mumbled.

I heard him laugh quietly.

"Baby, I want to know when you know. How about we find out together?" He asked. "Okay." I mumbled. "Do you want to take it right now, or wait?" He asked.

I looked up at him again. He still had a smile on his face.

"Right now." I replied, wanting to get the anxiety over with.

His smile made me smile.

"Okay. I'll wait outside in the room." He kissed my lips and walked out.

I hesitated to pee on the stick at first, but I eventually did.

I set the test upside down on the counter and waited. Jonah eventually came in again and we waited together.

"How long do we have to wait?" He asked softly. "It says 5-7 minutes at most." I replied. "It's been 6 minutes. Do you want to check?" He asked.

I nodded 'yes' after a bit.

I picked up the test and looked up at Jonah. His eyes were focused on the test before he looked back at me. He nodded and I looked back at the test.

I flipped it over slowly and read what the test said.


I looked at Jonah and a smile was in his face. I couldn't help but smile too.

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