Chapter 1 Three Month Anniversary

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SLOW UPDATES and this is my first story so go easy on me also this story takes place in season six and starts after episode two, so I start on episode 3.I also don't feel comfortable writing full blow love scenes, so if you don't like that this may not be the story for you. Disclaimer, I have learning disabilities and I use spell check, but sometimes it doesn't catch them, I'm sorry but I'm working on trying to spell correctly. Also Kim and Adam are together and married, they have kids.  Have fun and Happy Reading! 

Emma was sitting in the bullpen catching up on her paperwork, it was just her and Voight for right now. Emma had fair skin, blue eyes, and long straight light brown hair. She was 5' 2" and she was cut, not in an obvious way but in a you knew she went to the gym way. Emma was wearing skinny jeans and a short sleeved red tee shirt, she had a brown leather jacket over the back of her chair, her hair was in a high ponytail.

"I'm telling you we almost had him, if you would of just let me drive." Adam said to Kevin.

"You where in the passengers seat, why would I let you drive?" Kevin asked, Adam shrugged as they both got settled.

"I dunno, cause I asked?" Kevin raised his eye brow. "Nicely." Adam added, Kevin shook his head and they both waved to Emma. Rocky 'RockWhiler' Whily walked into the bullpen, Rocky had fair skin, blue eyes, and short brown hair. He was wearing black glasses, jeans, and a Tee shirt with a Star Trek saying on it. He was tall and fit, he was holding a tablet and looked around nervously.

"Antonio's not here yet." Emma said, he smiled at walked over to her desk and handed her the tablet.

"What is this Rockwhiler?" 

"It's a tablet." He said dead serious, Emma looked at him with wide eyes.  "Oh, it's our three month anniversary of being here so I am taking you out to dinner. I thought you would want to pick out the place." Emma scrolled through the list he had brought up. Jay and Antonio came up the stairs, Kim was not far behind.

"I have to go." Rocky said snatching the tablet and quickly heading back downstairs. 

"He okay?" Jay asked his partner, Emma smiled at him.

"He's fine, Antonio and Voight scare him." Jay nodded and sat across from her, Voight walked out of his office.

"Roll out, I just got a call. Shot's fired at a restaurant." Voight said, everyone got on there coats and headed out.

"Looks messy." Adam said as they searched the Mexican restaurant, everyone nodded in agreement.  Voight walked up to Emma, she nodded at him.

"What's up?" Emma pointed at the two bodies on the floor. 

"Owners, Lina and Pablo Felix.  Both deceased, gun shot to wound to the head. Execution style." Emma added, Voight looked at her sternly.

"This is not Quantico Ricci, you're not an F.B.I agent anymore. Leaving the profiling to your grandpa." Voight told her, Emma nodded stiffly and Jay emerged from the back.

"I found car keys." He said, he tossed the keys to Voight who pressed a button. In the parking lot a car alarm started going off, Voight pointed at Jay and Emma.


"Car belongs to a Lily Martin." Rocky said, everyone had gathered back in the bull pen.

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