I Don't Like That Guy Part 16

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The next morning everyone gathered in the bullpen, Emma kept glaring at Erin who was shotting her daggers with her eyes.

"This is scary," Adam whispered to Kevin who nodded in agreement. 

"Okay, we've got two dead bodies. Wealthy couple names are John and Lilia Mingo, both shot in the back found in the home of their living room." James briefed.

"Who found them?" Emma asked.

"Their kids, Polly, Jason, and Verona. Jason is 16, Polly is 15, and Verona is eight. They are at med right now-"

"Excuse me! Can I have your attention please!" A voice boomed coming up the stairs. Everyone turned to look at Trudy leading Commander Crowly and an older man with sun-kissed skin, blue eyes, and curly black hair, upstairs. Behind them, a few more men in suits lingered.

"The hell is this?" Jay whispered to Emma, and she shook her head.

"Emma Washington?" The man asked, Emma, stood up.

"That's me." The man walked over to her with Crawly not far behind.

"Your brother, Max, has been shot."


"A few months ago." The man said Emma looked at him enraged.

"What! He was shot months ago, and I'm just finding this out now?" Emma asked dumbfounded.

"We just found out." The man said Emma was still in shock. "Please come with me." The man said, trying to take her, Jay, Adam, Kevin, James, Antonio, and Voight jumped in.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, and I don't even know who you are!" Emma shouted at the man, and he flashed her his badge.

"SSA Malcolm Day, I need you to come with me."

"Hold on," Voight said, stepping in between them. "Why?" Voight crossed his arms.

"We think Emma may be a suspect." Everyone scoffed, and Voight looked at Crawly.

"Seriously?" He asked her, and Crowly shook her head.

"I've got no power here."

"Then, why are you here?" Kim shouted from her desk.

"Because Detective it would be wrong if I didn't show up."

"It would be wrong to arrest her." James chimed in. Everyone looked at James, who was still standing by the bored. 

"Just come with us Detective and make this easier," Malcolm warned, Emma got on her coat, and Voight grabbed her arm. 

"Don't say anything," he warned, Emma shook her head. Her eyes were glassy and full of tears.

"I didn't do this." 

"Can we walk out with her?" Adam asked.

"I would rather you don't." Emma croaked, Jay, frowned at her.

"Jay and I'll go," Voight said everyone gave her a hug, everyone except Erin.


They got down to the garage, Mouse and Rocky watching from the office in horror. Emma turned to Jay and Voight.

"I'll give you a minute," Voight said, walking over to Crowly.

"Take care of Nick, if I don't make it out-" Jay cupped Emma's cheek in his hand and wiped a few tears off her cheek. He smiled sadly at her.

"Don't say that you'll be fine," Jay whispered he was going to cry to.

"I love you," Emma said.

"I know I love you too." Jay pulled her in for a tight hug. "Promise you'll take care of him?" Emma asked.

"Always," Jay said, Malcolm walked over and escorted her to the black car.

"Stay sharp kid!" Voight called out to her. She winked at him as she got into the car. They drove away, and Voight joined Mouse, Rocky, and Jay.

"What do we do?" Mouse asked Voight looked at the spot the car was parked in.

"We fight like hell."


Emma sat in the interrogation room in the FBI headquarters located in Chicago. Malcolm and a younger man came in. The younger man reminded her of her friend Mike Ross, except he was less handsome. They sat down across from Emma, who crossed her arms, and she knew how this worked. 

"This is one of our agents, Wade Walker."

"Nice to meet you," Wade said as he laid out pictures of Max on the table in front of her. he was laying in a hospital bed, she picked them up and looked at the date. 

"This was months ago, and this was in November! I have an alibi! Where is Max? I wanna see him."

"That's not possible. Max is in witness protection." Emma scoffed.

"Fine, I didn't do this, but I know of plenty of people who want to." 

"Okay, get comfy anyway," Malcolm said, they got up to leave.

"Anyone, who's not in your unit, that we could call for you?" Wade asked Emma's face was blank. Then, a huge grin spread across it. She turned to face them.

"You can call my grandpa David Rossi." They opened the door. "I'm not done yet." Thye turned back to Emma. "You can also call my Lawyer, Harvey Spector." 


The whole Unit was standing in the lobby of the FBI, Erin had come in case Jay needed comfort. Jay knew this, and so did Kim, so they made sure he was never alone with her. Malcolm went down the stairs, and they all looked at him expectedly.

"Well?" Voight asked.

"Her lawyer and grandfather are on their way."  

"She didn't do this." Adam huffed.

"I am just leading where the evidence is pointing me."

"What evidence, she's got a solid alibi no weapon, fingerprints. You've just got some hunch." Voight shouted Malcolm smirked.

"Maybe, all I know is that she should be rotting in the ground." Jay leaped forward, Kevin and Antonio grabbed him and pulled him back. Malcolm laughed evilly and walked back upstairs, the front doors opened, and firehouse fifty-one came in.

"She okay?" Matt asked Jay shook his head.

"No idea." They all moved to the side of the lobby when they heard a commotion coming from the front door. It opened, and two men came in wearing suits and carrying briefcases. One was tall with sandy hair, and the other was short with grey hair.

"Harvey Spector and Luis Litt," Harvey said to the woman at the check-in, they noticed the massive group of people staring at them. They wandered over to the group.

"Let me guess, Emma's crew?" Luis asked they all nodded. "Not Surprised." 

"Who are you guys?" Mouse asked.

"Her Lawyers, her friends, and her lawyers." Jay stood up a little straighter and puffed out his chest, and Matt did the same thing, Harvey looked at them weirdly.

"We know her from New York, I wouldn't be surprised if you have a few more visitors," Harvey warned them, Boden's radio went off.

"Fifty-one we've got a structure fire all hands on deck." Boden looked at his firefighters, then at Voight.

"Go," Voight said, Matt slabbed Jay on the back, and they headed out. 

"We have to go, it was nice meeting all of you," Luis said, he and Harvy headed upstairs.

"I don't like that guy," Jay said to everyone, they all snickered.

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