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C H A P T E R  F O U R

MARK stirs in his sleep, feeling cold around his body. He then slowly opens his eyes, and weakly looks around the room. He feels drained from yesterday's events, and then realized it really wasn't a dream. He heaves himself up as he groans a bit from the aching around his collarbone area. He raises his hand to feel around it, and his fingertips touch the bandaging.

He then looks down, and his eyes blink. He didn't remember doing this to himself. Mark then looks around, and realizes this isn't even his apartment. He panicked for a split second, but not before his eyes catch something hanging on a chair.

A leather jacket with a certain symbol on the back.

'Haechan.' Mark thought to himself. He then quickly gets out of bed and puts on a shirt hanging in the said boys closet. He then thought how slow he was with catching these things, even the scent was different. He cursed how slow he is in the mornings.

He then walks to the door and slowly opens it, peeking out into a dark hallway. Only thing lighting it was a candle lit on a small desk below a weird picture. Mark walked out slowly, almost cautiously as it was dead silent. His bare feet walked into a living room, and he looked around to see some cigarette packets and buds laying around.

Mark looked the other way to see a small kitchen, with lots of ramen cups and fruit. He then realizes nobody is home, and lets out a small breath of relief. He's not sure why, but it feels good to be alone right now.

Even though he's wondering where Haechan could be, or is, he walks into the kitchen. Grabbing an apple, he cuts it up. He then looks into the cabinets to find plates, and puts his apples on it. Turning around with a apple in his mouth, he hears the front door open.

His heart speeds for a split second as he hears someone walk through. He hears the door slam close and he flinches. His eyes then meets with another's fierce one and he freezes.

"Haechan?" Mark gets out, swallowing the last of his apple.

Haechan huffs as he takes off a hoodie he's wearing and throws it on the couch. Looking away from Mark's confused gaze. He then turns around and puts both arms on a wall shelf, leaning it head down.

Silence fills the room.


Mark almost jolted at his name, but is quick to reply.

"Yea?" He replies.

A moment goes by, and Mark isn't even sure if that one second conversation even happened. The other suddenly turned around to look at Mark, and Mark felt his blood run cold at the gaze set upon him.

Haechan then walks over, almost slow to the point where Mark felt tension in the air. As Haechan got close, Mark could smell smoke from him, and almost scrunched his nose in dislike.

Haechan got closer though, and Mark back away the slightest. Haechan's eyes got daring as he stared down the other, Mark was only wearing his shirt and boxers. His thighs and legs were shown to full glory.

"Haechan?" Mark tried to speak loud, but all that came out was a shaky whisper. He kept stepping back, until his lower back collided with the counter top. Two arms then laid themselves on either side of him. His eyes still locked with the others, he felt his breath go short. He could practically feel his breath on his lips as he spoke.

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