New Friends

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As Edward and Julia ride down the streets of the cheering crowd, happy to be free of the cruel ruler, Edward wispers to Julia this took two years imagine how long everywhere will take."

"That just gives me more time to be with you."

"Aye, I suppose the same goes from me to you," Edward responded with a different meaning than his partner, "but still we need more allies, and we can't make people join they would quickly hate us just as much as the king."

"Aye, that is true but we need the help," Julia replies felling surprises as how Edward didn't see what she was trying to say.

"No, we want the help, we can handle it it will just take longer."

Later than night before the trip out of England and back into the kingdom of Albion, Edward was sitting on the baloney of the now cleaned state house when he spots a figure run across the yard, "Hey, you what are you doing here?" Edward jumpes down and rums across the yard after the figure, mean while Julia bursts into Edward's room, "Edward, need to talk..,"but she trailes off as she realises that the man she had come to confess her affection for wasn't there. "I gess now wasn't the time, I hope that there will be a time," Julia thougbt as she exited the room. Edward chased the man in similar robes as his and thought to himself, "enough is enough," and threw one of the many knives straped to his chest at the mans ankle. The man let out a small yelp of pain and fell to the ground, " Why did you do that?"

"You are a strange lad, heavily armed, walking around  the place I just killed the governor, most likely angering the king. I'm atomaticly suspicious of anyone here."

"I'm Damian, me and my sister want to fight for your cause, but it seems you don't need the help," said the young looking, blonde boy, with what looked like the start of a small beard.

"No we don't need any help but we do want it, wherw is your sister?"

"She is in the building now she wanted to make a direct approach, while I wanted to go straight to you in fear of being told to leave."

"Well if your sister isn't dead now she certainly can be of use," Edward said as he helped the boy to his feet

Back at the manor Julia sat in her roo thinking, "Should I tell him or not? What if he tells me to leave? What if he gets killed protecting me or the other way around?" When all of a sudden she heard a loud thud, "What the hell was that, Edward is to careful not to bump into anything even in the safty of his house, let alone this place." Curiosity getting the better of her she decides to grab her sword and go check it out, "Hello, is anybody here, Edward are you fucking with me. If it's not Edward out there come out before I have to find you and kill you."

Out of the shadows a tall feminine body steped out with a hooded suite and a face cover attached to the hood, "What, bitch?"

"Seriously, what us with people and the word bitch!? Jilt, whore, even slut I'm ok with but, bitch, not cool!" Julia raisd d her sword just in time for Edward to open tbe door with Damian, "Alanna, NO. The leader is here that woman is his friend."

"This bitch, that threatened to kill me?"

"Again with that word, goddamn next person to say it dies! That means to whore," Julia exclaimed angrily while pointing her sword at Alanna. "It's best you listen to her she means it," Edward said trying to assist his friend. "Alanna take your mask and hood off," said the boy leaning on a tree branch. "Alright, because this is our guy," the beautiful woman as she took her hood off. She had firery red hair, with a few freckles, emerald green eyes. Edward stood there observing her, thinking of all the possibilities of how he can go straight to the king with her, but alas she would have to give the killing strike, not him. Julia and everyone else thought he was starting for a different reason, "Edward, enough with your sick man fantasies," Julia snapped jealously. "Ooh, if he wishes them to not be fantasies all that he need do is show me to his chambers, I wouldn't mind a man of his sort..."

"ALRIGHT, enough. Edward should I show our new "friends" to their rooms," Julia interrupted angrily. "Yes take the to their rooms."

"Right this was, lad, whore."

"I spouse you can stay in this room, lad. Ooh and by the way I'm Julia."

"Thank you my lady, I am Damian."

"Damian, people call me many things but never a lady..," she said teasing the boy as she seen he seemed nervous. "And you will be staying, STAYING, here," Julia said as she showed Alanna her room. Alanna stepped inside and almost as if a shadow Julia was in too, "Look, slut, if you think you are going to come in and try to lay a claim on Edward, you are dead wrong. I've known him for over two years, now you will stay away from him. Aye? Now this conversation never happen and if it does some how come up I'll take you out into the wood tie you up and let some bandits have their way with you."

"Are you two together, as far as I know you are not, and i can tell he has no intrest in you either, so if he wants to have fantasies with me I've already had my fair share," the fiery red head replied insultingly.

"Goodnight, lass, if I can say that..," Julia said as she left the room and locking the door behind her.

Edward stood in his room waiting for his partner to come in, "Edward, we need to talk..."

"Julia, can it wait for morning? We've all had an eventful night."

"Aye, if thats really what you want," replied the woman saddened by her rejection.

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