The Anniversary

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Edward rises from his bed Julia enters the room with a plate of food, "Here, you may not eatcit but you should." Edward responds with a slight grunt of appreciation. "I'll be outside if you neef anything." Again a similar grunt. As Julia exits the room Alanna tries to enter, " Stay out of the room, not because I said but for him." Alanna gave a disgusted look to her, "Your just jealous, bitch," then enters anyway. All Julia could here was a scream and then seen Alanna leaving the room holding here head, "he threw a candle at me, whats his problem." Julia didn't look surprised, "You will know later today." Julia goes back in the room to see the one thing she has only seen twice, a tear in Edward's eye, " I told you LEAVE," he shouted. "Edward it's me," Julia said, "they both asked do you want to tell them or should I?"

"Tell them then come talk to me."

"Aye," the woman said as she exited the room.

"ALANNA, DAMIAN, COME HERE," Julia yelled in the main room. Soon after they yell the two people were there, "You both want to know what is wrong with Edward, aye?"

"Yes," they answered in unison. "Well three years ago today Edward had a normal life, he had a son named Charles, a daughter, Sophie, and a wife named Mary. The kind did not lkke them and labeled them as assassins. One day the king got word that a bandit had mugged Edward, and Edward had his knife with him and accidentally killed the bandit. The king said it was a planned assassination. Edward's childhood friend was offered a large amout of coint for the location of Edward's house. Edward wasn't home when the guard came so he didn't die, but his friend seen him and fallowed him to his house to finish him. They got in a fight and Edward won and swore vengeance on the king."

"How do you know this story, Julia," Damian asked with a puzzled look, "did you know him before?"

"No, he found me dying in a ditch and brought me back to health. Then one xay he was acting really strange and I stayed by his side, even with all the hitting and abuse. Then he finally told me the story and broke down, for the next three days he didn't more and barley ate. So now you know to leave him alone so do so. Now I will be at his side if something does arise to sucha level you need me, one of you better be dead. Goodnight, lad..," she was suddenly cut off "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for trying to get between you two I had no idea of your history with him. I will stay away from him in any other manner other then friend, if he wishes so."

"Normally I wouldn't give a shit about what you just said but you were sincere, so it is ok. Goodnight, lad, and lass."

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