Sensory Overload

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a/n: Peter has a sensory overload and it gets even worse during training. He lives with the Avengers.


Peter woke up with a migraine. He groaned as the natural light from his window hit his face, blinding him. He felt horrible, as if he had a hangover but 100 times worse. Peter groaned as he pushed himself out of bed, he became dizzy. He thought he was alright so he decided to get on with the day. He walked into the common room and there sat Bruce, Thor, and Clint.

"Man of Spiders!" Thor exclaimed walking over to him. He pulled his arm around Peter and pulled him to the couch.

"We're gonna get some Shawarmas, wanna come?" Clint patted his back before standing up.

"uh, I think I'm good." Peter squinted his eyes, from the pounding headache.

"Alright if you say so!" Clint called from the elevator, Bruce and Thor followed close behind.

Peter sighed laying his head over the back of the couch, looking upwards. He could hear any conversation within a mile radius, meaning every single employee, every phone conversation, and any video thats playing, even music that's playing through earbuds, Peter hated being able to hear everything. "Peter! Training at 5!" He heard Tony from the other room. He has this heavy feeling on his chest, he was so tired he was literally dragging his feet. He walked over to the fridge and poured himself a bowl of cereal. As he ate, he began to gag. He could barley eat. Peter threw the bowl into the sink and ran to the trash can, regurgitating his consumed cereal and dinner from yesterday. He brushed his teeth before deciding to go back to his room and wait for training at 5. Peter occasionally got up, to use the bathroom or get more water. He couldn't sleep even if he wanted to, this was only his second Sensory Overload, the first one was a week into being Spiderman. His metabolism is way higher so he needs to eat twice the normal amount everyday, he couldn't even get his cereal down.

"Training!" Tony called on the speakers. When he was walking down without his mask he bumped into Nat.

"You ready? You're sparring with Cap today." Peter groaned in response, pulling his mask on. "You'll be great!" She patted his back as they headed their separate ways into the training room.

"Heads up!" Peter turned and caught Cap's shield. Cap ran to him but he flipped over him, webbing his shield to the ceiling. Cap was beginning to get confused. He's not fighting him, he's all defense. "Hey Pete you alright?" Peter's breathing was shallow.

"I-I'm good." He rose up his thumb. Suddenly there was a loud bang, Peter dropped to the floor while the others remained crouching. War Machine just shot a couple missiles at the Hulk.

"Peter?" Steve shook him. Peter was lying on the ground with his hands pressing tightly over his ears, rocking back and forth. The training stopped whenever someone was hurt.

"Peter!" Tony ran to his side. "What's wrong kid?"

"too loud..." he whispered. Bruce (who had turned back to normal) put the pieces together.

"He's having a sensory overload." Tony ran out the room and everyone looked back at Bruce. "FRIDAY dim the lights." The lights dimmed and Peter calmed down a bit, he still refused to removed his hands from his ears. Tony ran back into the room and placed noice canceling headphones on Peter. He soon calmed down and Steve helped him up.

"Go rest for the day bud, you need it."

~the next day~

"Hey Peter, you feeling better?" Bucky called before taking a bite of his PB & J. Peter smiled and shot a web at his arm, sticking it to the counter.

"You bet!" He walked over and snatched the sandwich, evilly grinning as he made his way over to the TV.

"Looks like the bugs back to normal." Clint joked.

the end.

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