My Son ~ Request

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a/n: Self explanatory, but it's a little different from the request, sorry


As the gang sat in the common room
they shared stories of their battles. "You remember the time we fought at the airport?"

"When that ant dude turned into jurassic park?" everyone chucked at the comment, until they were suddenly alerted by F.R.I.D.A.Y, who had turned on the news without command.

"Prestigious Midtown Tech is currently engulfed in flames, sources say that there is a classroom yet to be saved, and are currently trapped
in the school-"

Tony's eye's had widened. "Hey, uh guys I gotta go down there, I'll be back later," He quickly taps his Arc reactor, forming his compacted suit and flew out without question. The team looked at
one another knowing that they were all going to

~ peter ~

"Ned!" He gasped, running out of the clasroom.

"Peter! No-" His teacher called out to him. He called out for his friend, running through the hallways and inhaling the poisonous smoke, the ceiling dropping debris around his every step. "Ned!, Where are you!" He ran to his locker quickly lifting it up and changing into his suit.

"Hello, Peter." Karen greeted him calmly, unlike his behavior.

"Hey, Karen. I need you to find Ned!" He shouted, running through the hallways.

"Ned has been located through cellular device, he is here" Karen displayed a map of the school, a circle blinking around the bathroom in the hallway near by. Peter sused his web getting there quickly, but stopping at the sight of the hallway completely blocked off from planks of wood and other debris, but his determination was further than any pain. He braced himself knowing that he was going to be met with the rapidly increasing heat of the debris from the interior of the school. As the ran and shoved himself through the block, he winced from the pain of the burns and cuts, but remained calm, there he stood in front of the close door of the men's restroom. He kicked down the door, eyes immediately meeting Ned, who was sitting in the corner.

"Peter?" He nodded without saying a word, he quickly pulled Ned off the ground and left the bathroom, he punched the nearest window open and threw Ned out, attatching web to the back of his shirt and a nearby pole. Ned was now safe, he checked every bathroom, as the school started to crumble. After the bathrooms, he went to his class, now trapped by an obvious plank of wood, which had broken the handle of the door. He looked into the smokey class, they all remained in the corner, so he stepped back, preparing himself for another painful break. He kicked through the flaming plank of wood against the door and through it, knocking the door down.

"Spiderman!?" The teacher exclaimed. "One of our Students ran out, Chestnut brown hair, kinda small, but he's trapped somewhere."

"Ahh yes the very handsome kid, he's safe!" Peter used his fake voice and ran out into the hall, checking for weak points in the structure. The students watched in a mix of awe and fear, as Peter used his web to stop parts of the ceiling from collapsing on them.

"Okay! We're going to do this nice and quick, no looking around, when you step foot out the class head straight towards the exit! No turning back! No matter what!" They understood and listened for their safety, luckily the class was on the ground level. As his peers ran out the building Peter continued to watch closely running behind them, constantly shooting webs at the interior of the hallway to stop it from collapsing. Suddenly he ran out of web.

"Damit! I should've listened!" He yelled running faster. "Hurry! It's gonna collapse!" They all escaped, but the last person almost barely made it, the ceiling behind them crumbled closely, inching closer to them every second. At the last second he pushed his last peer out the door, his body being buried under the reamins of the school.


As Tony arrived at the front of the school, the team watched from afar, noticing the slight panic in his behavior. He scanned around the remains of the school and started digging, the team followed behind, helping him, also surprising him at the same time. "Found him!" Cap pulled out the small boy in the suit from the remains of the school, holding him bridal style, quickly rushing to behind the school, which was still damaged but intact. He pulled the mask off the boy.

"Oh, Hi Mr.Stark." They heard the boy murmur. Cap chuckled weirdly.

"Definitely not Mr.Stark, kiddo." He lost consciousness. "Isn't this your intern?" Tony nodded, telling Karen to check his vitals.

"My son-" He sighed in relief, knowing he was only suffering few burns and cuts, and a sprained wrist.

"You're what?!"

"Look I'll explain it later alright?!" He walked over to Peter picking him up and flying to the Med bayeeting Bruce there.


Peter awoke to the too familiar and annoying beeping. "Not again!" He exclaimed, throwing his head back. Peter is almost injury-prone, It's like he's hurt every week. Tony walks in and Peter doesn't notice the look on his face. "Mr. Stark, Look I know what it looks like and I'm sorry, But I didnt actually make the mess this time, I swea-" Tony interrupted him with a tight hug. "Kinda. Still. Healing." Peter said between shallow breathes. "Well I'm just glad you're okay."


"You think the kid is okay?" Before Nat could answer they were interrupted by Tony's voice, echoing through the Med bay.

"What the hell were you thinking?, I told you to
bring your extra web fluid in your suit, after every patrol!"

"I wasn't thinking about it!-"

"Yeah, They'll be just fine." Nat chuckled, patting Steve on the back as they made their way back to the main room.

a/n: I decided that the least I could do is finish these drafts. Many more to come, thank you for being so patient.

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