Remember Me

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a/n: Peter gets hurt during a mission and loses his memory.


"Peter!" Tony yelled as he saw Peter free fall and hit his head on the edge of the bridge. "Shi-"

"Tony!" Steve signaled, as he jump into the freezing water below. Peter was unconscious, Steve had to get him before he drowned to death. Steve spotted the boy sinking slowly and quickly pulled him above the water, hoping for a response. "Pete? Buddy can you hear me?" He continued to paddle to shore. No response. "Tony, get us to the tower." Steve called, Tony flew down taking them to the tower.

~much much later~

Peter awoke unaware of what had happened. All he knew was that he has powers and that he was called Spiderman. There was a man beside him, he had a beard, his hair was dark blonde. Captain America? He just regained his memory of every hero, but for some reason he's forgotten every experience he's had with them. Along with a few people, including himself. He cleared his throat, "E-excuse me." it came out as a whisper, Steve shuffled in the chair, asleep. Peter sighed and tapped him. Steve shot up, quickly looking over at the currently conscious teen.


"Is that my name?" Steve looked confused and Bruce walked in.

"There was an alert that he was awake." He walked over to Peter a bit in shock.

"Wow, It's Bruce Banner." Peter's eyes were filled with Joy.

"Kid, why are you acting like this is the first time we met?" he chuckled.

"Because it is." Cap walked over to Bruce,
patting him on the back. Bruce's eyes widened at the comment. Tony isn't going to have an easy time with this.

"Well, what do you remember?" Bruce spoke cautiously, unaware of his state of mind. Peter looked up at the ceiling in deep thought.

"Well, My name is Spiderman, I have abilities, I don't know my real name but, Captain America said it was Peter?" He questioned. Bruce nodded in response, allowing him to proceed. "You're Dr. Bruce Banner, aka The Hulk, and you're part of the Avengers. Which is a bunch if other heroes just like Captain America."

"Do remember meeting any of the Avengers?" Peter nodded 'no'.

"Although I do remember a couple of names, Ned, Mj, May, Ben, and Flash. That's all I know." Bruce pulled Cap to the side.

"It's interesting but it seems as if the brain had only held on to the things he found most important. He referred to his friends by their preferred names and knows all the Avengers yet can't remember his own." In that moment Natasha walked in, it was her turn to watch him. She gasped at the sight on the boy now sitting up and drinking a juice box. She walked over to him, squeezing him tightly, he coughed, choking from the juice and when he was caught off guard.

"Black Widow just hugged me... am I going to die?" Peter backed away from her, her previously joyed expression had immediately shifted into a much more serious look. "Oh she's here to kill me." Peter pulled the blanket up leaving his eyes to watch her. She pulled Bruce back by the color not looking back, she pulled him in front of her.

"What the hell was that?" She crossed her arms.

"I-I'm sorry, he lost most of his memory." She backed up, sitting down on the chair in the hall way.


Peter was now fully conscious. Tony wasn't aware until after his meeting. He rushed down there as soon as he could. Bruce stopped him outside the room. "Look Tony, before you go in ther-" Tony oushed him aside walking in.

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