Arc Reactor

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a/n: here's another requested one for y'all. Peter has his old suit, his new ones are getting repairs. Before FFH.


"Kid! Follow that drone!" The team was on a mission, there were a bunch if drones destroying the city. Peter swung building to building chasing the drone, finally he shot a web at the drone and pulled it down to the ground, he swung it in circles then flew it against a concrete wall. "I need you to get the chip, somewhere in it's mainframe." Peter opened up the body of the drone, and pulled out the chip. As he examined the chip the drone began to smoke, Peter's eyes widened as placed the chip in web, he started to take cover but before he knew it he was flat on the ground. He coughed in pain, ringing in his ears. Shards of metal in his chest, pierced his skin, causing him to bleed heavily. He ripped part of his suit off, revealing his chest.

"M-Mr. Stark." He blacked out.


"M-Mr. Stark." He heard in his com.

"Kid! Peter! Can you hear me?" He began to panic.

"That was the last of them, Tony." Nat turned to him.

"Peter's in trouble let's go." The team followed closely behind him. "FRIDAY, Get me his coordinates." His breath became short and he paused at the sight of Peter, on the road, chest open a bleeding. He landed and quickly ran to him, the others not too far behind. "Kid?" Tony temporarily sealed the wounds.

"Tony he's loosing a lot of blood." Tony flew him to the tower.

~much much later~

Peter awoke to the natural light coming through the window, he sat up slowly letting his sheet fall off his bare chest and into his lap. He rubbed his eyes, completely unaware of the mission. It had seemed that it was all a dream. He was in his bed, just like every other day, ordinary. He pulled on a shirt and grabbed and walked over to the bathroom. Suddenly he stopped. He screamed.

"What the Fu-"

"Peter!?" Cap ran in. He became more calm noticing that he was unharmed. He was definitely in shock.

"There is a arc reactor, IN MY CHEST!" Peter looked down poking it. "Oh my God, I HAVE NO HEART?" Steve chuckled.

"It's still there bud." Steve patted him on the back. Peter pulled up his shirt, poking it more.

"I thought it was a dream... the drones and when it blew up." Peter walked into his room sitting on the bed.

"It's real, and its apart of you now." Steve patted him on the back. "Well I'm sorry to say, you still have school today." Steve headed out. "Breakfast in 20, hurry it up!" he yelled from the hallway.


Peter walked into the kitchen, slowly making his way to his seat as a few of the other Avengers stared at him. "Hey Pete, How you feeling?" Steve asked, being completely normal.

"I feel great, I think I'm ready to go back to school." Peter grabbed his bag, heading out and tossing up an apple to catch it. Tony held him back,

"Hold on there kid." He stepped back, facing them.
"You think we weren't gonna ask about your new buddy there?" Tony tapped on Peter's arc reactor. Peter adjusted his bag ready to leave.

"I got it, I got it, it'll be fine." He rushed into the elevator and made his way to


"Umm, Peter. I'm not sure if you know this but your chest is... glowing?" Mj paused, pointing at it. He gasped pulling his jacket together and zipping it up.

"Wait a sec, you have that thing Tony Stark has, the fake heart-"

"It's not fake!, it's very much real if I say so myself." They continued to walk to his locker.

"So that's why you missed school these past 3 days." He turned to dace Mj.

"Look it's not that big of a dea-"

"Hey, Parker!" Flash interrupted them. Peter groaned.

"Mj I don't have the energy for this." Flash got in between them.

"Flash, I wouldn't-" He ignored Peter and punched him in the chest.

"Oww, What the hell?" He ripped open Peter's jacket revealing the glowing light under his shirt.

"He has that thing."

"What the hell?"

"Did he steal it?"

He heard the whispers of his peers in the hall. They flowed through the hallways , becoming progressively more louder, overwhelming his senses.

"WELL- I think it's cool." Mj stepped up.

"Me too." Ned entered from afar, unsure of what exactly was happening but he knew it wasn't good.

"Yeah." Another student said. Soon the hail of worries became a drizzle of positivity. Flash stood there unsure of what had just happened, but he no longer bothered Peter.

As time went he would get their occasional questions "Where did you get it?"

"How do I get one?" and the classic

"Can I buy it?"

the end.

a/n: I decided that the least I could do is finish these drafts. Many more to come, thank you for being so patient.

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