The Fire

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Peter yawned, earning the attention from MJ.
"Hey Loser, Why you so tired?" Peter looked over at her then the board shrugging. He looked down at his watch, realizing he had a missed call from happy so he rose his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Parker?" His French teacher pointed at him, causing everyone to look at him.

"puis-je utiliser la salle de bain" (Can I go use the bathroom?)

"Oui bien sûr" The teacher replied, returning everyone's attention back to the board as Peter made his way out. He took his backpack and quickly made his way into the bathroom, locking the door. Peter quickly called Happy and they went over some business things, after he hung up his senses we're going crazy, but they always were so he chose to ignore it. After washing his hands he went for the door knob but it immediately burned him. In confusion he put on his mask.

"Hey KAREN, Why is this doorknob so hot?"

"There seems to be an active fire." Peter's eyes widened and he jumped into his suit then threw his backpack out the window, webbing it to someones car in the parking lot. He pulled the door open with a web and was immediately met with heat. He stumbled back, processing the fire. Peter flipped out the door into the firey hall way. He kicked open the classroom doors leading the people out.

The heat was almost unbearable, he couldn't breathe. "Hello?!" His eyes snapped to the voice. Her voice. He ran back to her, she was by the water fountains near the bathroom he was in. His heart broke at the sight of her. Mj was on the floor, covering her ears, knees to her chest, crying. "Please, Help" She was surrounded by fire. Peter couldn't breathe, he looked around, no one was near and the cameras are probably burnt. He took the pain and the burns, going through the fire.

"Hey, Hey Im gonna get you out of here okay?" Peter pulled her into his arms. He pulled off his mask, gasping for air.

"P-Peter?" Mj gasped, he hushed her, placing his mask over her head.

"Give me your jacket." She did as told and he placed it over her head, then pulled her tightly towards him swinging out. By the time they were not too far from the entrance, the building was ready to collapse. He finally stopped, he slipped his mask off of her. Before he could place the mask back on she kissed him.

"Thank you." He smiled then pulled the mask down.

"The fire went out but the schools going down, let's go!" They ran hand in hand. Suddenly debris fell from the ceiling, collapsing, chasing them down. Peter knew they wouldn't make it so he attached a web grenade to Mj and threw her out. Leaving Peter under the building.

"No, No!" Mj yelled being pulled back by the fire fighters.

"Ma'am please calm dow-"

"He's in there, Please." She cried.


"Tony!" He pulled his phone back from his ear from the volume.

"Damn Cap no need to-"

"Peter's school's on fire!" Cap yelled. Tony's eyes widened, he got into his suit and flew.

"Where are you?"

"I'm on my way down there on my motorcycle, I already let the others know." That explained why he was yelling.

Tony flew there as fast as he could, he landed causing everyone to step back. He pressed down on his chest, dissolving the suit as he walked towards the building, his attention was turned towards the femalw voice who cried out. "He's in there, Please." His head snapped immediately, he knew who it was.

"Mj!" Tony jogged over, but before he could even get near her she elbowed the fire fighters running to the rubble. She began digging it with her bare hands.

"Ma'a-" Tony interrupted the fire fighters, running over to her.

"Mj?" He pulled her away, but she was resisting. "Mj stop! It's me!" She turned to Tony, her eyes softened.

"Mr.Stark, Peter's in there I need to find him." She turned back.

"Mj, Mj, Stop." She collapsed onto the ground, and was suddenly surrounded by a pair of arms. Nat's, in particular.

"It's alright, he'll be okay. Let's just get you to the jet." Nat pulled her away. Tony watched and sighed turning back to the rubble.

"Cap?" He watched as Cap, Bucky, Sam, Bruce, and somehow even Thor dug through the rubbled, looking for Peter. Cap didn't respond, he continued to dig as tears fell. "FRIDAY scan for Peter." Friday highlighted in red Peter's figure. Tony pulled his mask up "He's over here!" They continued to
dig the area until Bruce came, clearing out most of the things. They stopped when they saw the red fabric.

"H-He'll be okay." Tony reassured them, although he himself wasn't even sure, he didn't want to know so he didnt ask FRIDAY. Bruce stepped back leaving Peter with a couple bricks on him, Bucky took the bricks off then checked his pulse. The others looked at him for confirmation, he nodded.

"It's their but it's very weak." gently swooping up the teen in his arms, Bucky walked over to the jet. They all followed.

~the tower~

Back at the tower the Avengers were now in the common room, watching live feed of the doctors working on Peter in the med bay. They pulled off Peter's mask and everyone gasped. He looked horrible. "He looks horrible." Nat whispered.

"The man of spiders or as you all call him, Peter, is by far more heroic than I could have ever been. And I'm a God." Thor tried to liften the mood, but in response he had dry laughs and a chuckle. They watched in fear as they cut off his suit revealing the burns, cuts, bruises, and even scars that Peter had all over his torso.

"Those are worse than mine." Bucky stated in shock. Cap looked down then back to the screen.

"He's only 15." Cap said aloud.


Peter awoke sore as hell. It hurt to even breathe. He turned his head slightly and saw a figure next to him. Alrhough his vison was blurry he knew it was Steve.
"C-Cap?" It came out softly. He couldn't wake him up, so he pressed the nurse button. When she came she checked on his vitals and got him a glass of water. "How long has he been here?" She thought for a bit.

"A couple of days maybe? He switches out with Winter Soldier, Iron Man, and Black Widow every 5 hours."

"Could you wake him up for me?" Peter asked before taking the water a drinking it slowly. Cap woke up and immediately shot up at Peter's presence.

"Pete! You're awake!" Cap sat in the empty space near Peter's feet.

"How long have I been out?"

"Umm... About a week." Cap checked his calendar on his phone.

"Holy Sh-"

"Language." Cap sighed looking over at him. "I know" he said annoyingly, irritated of his habit.

the end.

a/n: I'm also thinking about a part 2, I'm not sure

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