21 - Parents

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I felt around the bed for the bulky figure and once my hand landed on him, I shuffled closer to him. I curled up into a ball as my face buried in his chest and he wrapped his arms around my sphere of a body and laughed.

"Clingy now, aren't we?" He teased.

"Coming from the guy that claimed me as his in front of the whole student body," I fired back.

He pulled away and looked down at me with a smirk, "Because you are."

I gave him a fake glare for awhile before I felt my cheeks turn red from blushing. I turned away quickly to hide my face and he whined, "No! Let me see you blushing!" He begged.

I laughed at his pleads and turned back to face him. How could someone be so hot yet act like such a baby? He acts like the only way to get through his day, is to see me blush. I mean he does it everyday! It's reasonable, right?

"You're such a dork," I said jokingly.

"And you're an angel," he smiled.

"Whatever doofus," I rolled my eyes playfully.

"You're doofus," he said as he booped my nose.

I couldn't help it, I smiled even more. I leaned up from my position and started showering his face with tons of kisses which made him fully wake up and laugh.

I started straddling his body as his fingers drew small patterns on my back. I smiled down at him just as he smirked at me. I bent down slowly and softly placed my lips onto his. When I pulled away I gave him a small Eskimo kiss which made him chuckle even more.

"Cmon Takeridge, let's go eat," I giggled as I made my way to my bedroom for some shorts.

"Awe, why are you putting those on?" Axel groaned.

I rolled my eyes at him and we made our way down the stairs where the smell of pancakes was already filling my nostrils. I turned to Axel dumbfounded but saw that his expression mirrored mine.

We slowly continued making our way down the stairs and towards the kitchen until a woman that looked familiar stepped out.

"I'll go get him right no- Oh honey!" The woman grinned once she saw Axel.

"Mom?" He asked puzzled.

This is Axel's mom? She's fucking stunning! But seriously though, where have I seen her before?

She turned to me and her smile faded away, "You- You look familiar," she said more of a question than a statement.

"I was just thinking the same thing," I said in the same tone.

Just then another familiar man barged into the living room and engulfed his son in a massive bro hug, "Hey slugger! How ya been?" He said cheerfully.

"I've been good dad, better actually," Axel smiled.

He turned to me and slung his arm over my shoulder. The two parents looked at me as if solving a puzzle just as Axel started to introduce me, "Mom, dad, this is-"

"April," his dad breathed out.

I scrunched my eyebrows in frustration as I couldn't figure everything out. Realization flashed across Axel's mom's eyes and she gasped as she jumped excitedly, "Oh my gosh yes! April! Oh honey it's so nice to see you again!" She screamed excitedly as she engulfed me in a big hug.

"I-I'm sorry, I still don't understand," I said as I pulled away.

The man smiled sadly and put my small hands in his, "It's okay honey, I'm Garret Takeridge, remember? And this is my wife Lillian, you do remember us, don't you?" He asked hopefully.

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