20 - Stars

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After dinner Axel and I went back home since we were kind of exhausted from today; especially me. That could happen when you fight off six girls; one of them being your step sister.

But during dinner all Axel did was make me laugh and warm my heart up with his words. His smile made a glow radiate off of his body and his warmth made me forget all about the coldness in my life. He was truly a work of art with the heart of an angel. He was there to save me at my worst and I wouldn't know where I would be if he hadn't come into my life. How would I feel if he wasn't demanding me to stay at his house? Would I be completely broken; physically and emotionally?

I yawned as I trudged into Axel's bedroom behind him and rubbed my eyes until I was inside of his closet.

"Babe, what are you doing?" I heard him call out from his bedroom.

I pulled one of his sweaters from off of the white hanger and closed the closet door behind me. I dragged the Navy blue sweater behind me as I walked out of the room to head to my own and sleep.

When I closed my bedroom door I immediately started taking off my shoes, leggings, and my shirt and bra all tiredly, only leaving me in my red panties. I slipped the hoodie on over my head and slammed down into the covers until the darkness consumed me.


"Where is he?"

"Honey you shouldn't be in h-"


I raced down the different hallways that reeked of disinfectants and rubbing alcohol. I didn't want to believe that call was true, that what they said was true, that everything was really falling apart.

I found the room 276 and stood before it. My heart was racing and I couldn't hear anything except for my rapid breathing. I wasn't hyperventilating because I was running, no, it's because I felt a big part of me die as well, and it was all behind this door.

I placed my hand on the handle, squeezing it a couple of times in anticipation. I slowly turned it and peeked my head through the door. And what I saw, broke me forever.


I shot my eyes wide open to see a pink peony flower on my nightstand. I sat up cautiously to take in my surroundings to see that I was still in my bedroom, in my pj's. The stars were still out and the sun was shining brightly and it casted a large shadow on my bedroom floor. It was still dark, and it was just a nightmare.

"It was just a dream," I whispered rubbing my eyes.

I took a deep breath before relaxing against the headboard and clearing my thoughts. I haven't had that dream in so long, so why was it coming back now? Was it because Axel was bringing me back? Is it because I'm doing all of the things I used to do when my dad was alive?

Is it a sign that I should stop being strong?

No, that's impossible, my dad always wanted me to be strong and I'm just getting back to myself. I'm protecting myself again and I'm taking more control of myself, I'm being strong and that's what my dad would've wanted.

I let out a heavy sigh and turned my gaze back to the flower. I smiled as I picked it up; knowing that Axel was the only other person that knew my favorite flower.

Other than my dad.

I shook my thoughts away and mentally punched myself at how I could keep making myself weak just by the thought of him. I can't keep bringing myself down for someone who only wanted me to build up. I'm stronger than this, he even told me so.

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