Chapter 1. Unexpected Kiss.

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Lois drives home to the Kent Farm alone and comforts the home dog, Shelby. Lois sits alone and figures that Clarks destiny wasn't to be and also hers and Clarks. There's a knock on the door, it's Tess Mercer. Lois opens the door and lets her in.

TESS: I just wanted to be sure you were alright, before I went back to the mansion.

LOIS: If you're feeling guilty about what happened, then don't worry yourself, I was out of line.

TESS: Don't be silly Lois, I wouldn't have expected anything else, than for you to point a gun at me. In a way, I'm glad that you were willing to fight for the one you love.

LOIS: We come so far in our lives to put things right, for Clarks destiny, to protect the world, what Jor- el set him out for, ten years of trials and now it just seems like a waste.

TESS: Clark thought he was doing the right thing.

LOIS: Well it wasn't.

TESS: Question is, how are you going to tell Chloe about this? I mean Chloe was one of his closest friends.

LOIS: That I don't know. I think she will think we failed her too, since she has spent so many years guiding him more than anybody else has, as close friend.

TESS: We can't think like that Lois, I'm proud of Clark and I know you are too.

LOIS: I've never stopped being proud of him and for once I'm proud of you for showing the better side that I'd thought I'd never see.

TESS: I may be a Luthor by blood, but my instincts stay with the greater people of this world. And my instincts say, that Clark will not be gone forever.

LOIS: Oh God Tess, I miss him.

CLARK: He's missing you too, my darling.

Lois cries feeling warmed by Tesses words. Tess hugs Lois.

LOIS: I think physically, this is the warmest you been towards me Tess.

TESS: Beats punching the lights out of each other.

LOIS: We never did have that rematch did we after that showdown in the Daily Planet.

TESS: I'm actually I'm not that keen anymore.

LOIS: Really? You loved starting fights.

TESS: Maybe I should start something new on the agenda.

LOIS: And what's that?

Tess looks in Lois eyes.

TESS: I love you.

Tess plants a passionate kiss on Lois lips and Lois pushes her away. Tess feels embarrassed and starts to cry.

LOIS: Tess, what the hell do you think you're doing?

TESS: Lois I'm so sorry, I never mean't for it to come out like that.

LOIS: I think you should leave.

TESS: I'm sorry.

Tess exits the house, leaving Lois surprised and shocked. How long has Tess felt like this towards Lois?

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