Chapter 5. The Lane Resignation

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It's early next morning, Tess returns to the Daily Planet, to find Lois is clearing her desk of personal belongings. Lois seems in a hurry to do so and workers begin to sense the tension already high, when Tess enters the basement. Lois throws her desk tag into the bin, under her desk. Cat Grant spots Lois, from inside the photo copy room and is stunned to see her clearing out. Although she and Lois had been head to head for top reporter, Cat now has the deepest respect for the pulitzer favourite and she quickly hurries, as Tess backs off for a moment through the double doors and to the elevator.

CAT: Lois? What are you doing?

LOIS: I'm leaving.

CAT: Leaving? May I ask why?

LOIS: It's personal, I'd really don't want to get into deep conversation right now.

CAT: Does Clark know?

LOIS: The way things are going he may never know.

CAT: What do you mean by that.

LOIS: Nothing. Is Miss Mercer in, I have my resignation in writing to give to her?

CAT: She was just there a few seconds ago, then she went upstairs.

Lois hands an envelope to Cat.

LOIS: If it OK Cat, could you give this to Tess and give her my deepest regrets?

CAT: Regrets? I take it apologies doesn't come into the equation?

LOIS: Cat, if you're that interested, why don't go ask the big bad wolf yourself, when you hand her my resignation letter.

Lois picks up her box of belongings and leaves the Daily Planet. Cat looks at the sealed envelope and proceeds to the elevator. After waiting and getting into the elevator alone, she heads up to Tess Mercers office. After a few seconds, Cat is alarmed to have Zatanna stood next to her. It's virtually impossible for anyone to enter an enclosed space with all doors shut tight and in motion. But, little does Cat know that Zatanna is a female magician.

CAT: Oh my God, how did you get in here? Nobody got in with me at the basement, before the doors closed.

ZAT: Maybe you weren't paying attention.

CAT: I never miss a trick.

ZAT: Well, I'd like to say it was, but I'll stick with my first answer. Envelope please.

CAT: Excuse me, but this is private and discreit.

ZAT: Concerning Lois's resignation.

CAT: Sounds like you enjoy to make others business your own. Earwigging conversation is incredibly rude and inconsiderate.

ZAT: I'm surprised Lois allowed you post that to the control freak.

CAT: Miss Mercer is a well respected professional of the paper, if not the city. Now if you don't mind, please allow me to run my erron.

ZAT: I'm afraid I'm gonna have to prise that away from you.

CAT: Do that, I'm gonna have to take nescessary precautions.

Zatanna smirks.

ZAT: I'm quaking in my stilettos .

Without warning, Zatanna grabs hold of the envelope and Cat is about to throw a punch at her, when Zatanna blows glow dust at her and Cat is now returned to the photo copy room, without the envelope in hand. Upstairs, a glum Tess looks out of her office window at the Metropolis skyline, wondering where it all went wrong in her life. She's a Luthor and to top it all, she is madly in love with Lois Lane. Tess feels a presence in the room, even without the warning of her office door creeking. Tess turns around with the hint, and finds Zatanna in her office, grasping the envelope, originally trusted with C.G.

ZAT: Sorry, Miss Lane can't bring you this herself. But, she'd rather keep her feet firmly on the ground, away from an embarrassment.

Zatanna throws Lois resignation onto the desk. Tess picks it up, wondering what contents are inside.

TESS: What is this?

ZAT: It's Lois saying goodbye and good riddance in my opinion.

TESS: Her resignation.

ZAT: Your lucky she informed you in writing, just shows there is descency somewhere.

TESS: Lois told you what happened. I must admit I'm embarrassed........

ZAT: Your embarrassed. It's always about you isn't it Tess. You say you're doing everything for the good of the world, but what you do, is for number one.

TESS: That's not true.

ZAT: So, why were you trying to seduce Lois, when you knew full well, she was grieven for the man she loves? A man who could do so much for this world. You just wanted to fullfil your deepest fantasy.

TESS: Not that it's any of your business Zatanna, but......I........I......In fact it is nothing to do with you, so but out, it's between me and Lois.

ZAT: From what I gather, you and Lois may not be crossing paths again. And because I'm her friend, I won't let you hurt her again. Lois will grieve for Clark on her own and with her real friends and family. Your just another curse, that the Luthor generation continued.

TESS: Are you finished?

ZAT: Gladly.

Zatanna walks to the door and turns back to face Tess.

ZAT: Don't worry Tess. Emil won't hear it from me.

Zatanna leaves the office, leaving Tess feeling even more humilated. That's one more person, that know about her attempted seduction of Lois. But, Tess won't change how she feels about her once number one reporter.

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